How to find someone to teach Japanese?
campione @campione
How to find someone to teach Japanese?
campione @campione
I'm trying to learn japanese language but teaching
Myself by internet isn't easy besides the internet
Is only teaching me how to speak and I want to
learn how to read and write it to than I want to learn
there customs.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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How to find someone to teach Japanese?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
There are loads of programs where you meet with someone who speaks a language different than you and you teach each other. One of my coworkers used this program to learn spanish. Idk the name tho
αleph-01 @a1ephy
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How to find someone to teach Japanese?
αleph-01 @a1ephy
Omae wa mou shindeiru!
Rei @reisenpai66
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How to find someone to teach Japanese?
Rei @reisenpai66
kaztle @kaztle
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How to find someone to teach Japanese?
kaztle @kaztle
If you have the money to spare, I highly recommend Rosetta Stone. It is very good and has breakpoints where you meet with coaches online.
Rei @reisenpai66
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How to find someone to teach Japanese?
Rei @reisenpai66
Ive heard rosetta stone is the worst when it comes to jap, but idk. Definitely helps to speak to people living there tho.
Lamby @momoichi
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How to find someone to teach Japanese?
Lamby @momoichi
i bought some books for studying, id recommend learning hiragana/katakana first before learning the language itself, because you learn the language as well
I'm using this book for pure hiragana/katakana
and this one for grammar and vocabulary
it really helps if you have a friend as well to study with, so you can quiz each other. ganbatte!
ゼム @umi_nezumi
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How to find someone to teach Japanese?
ゼム @umi_nezumi
The Genki I and Genki II books are pretty much the de facto standard for teaching introductory Japanese to English speakers in a classroom setting. If you learn well from books and are self-motivated they can work for self-study as well.
As lamby said learning hiragana first will give some foundation to learning the language.
Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
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How to find someone to teach Japanese?
Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
Everyone pretty much said what is good in terms of learning written language. The Genki books are fantastic. The only other books I could recommend are Minna no Nihongo. A friend of mine living in Japan introduced me to them.
I will reiterate that Rosetta Stone is not worth it nor is Duolingo. Both are not that great for Japanese. After mastering hiragana and katakana, one thing I can recommend is using the Pimsler course. It is expensive but effective. It will help you get a basic understanding of the spoken language thus making it easier to learn fluency from there.
Those are my two cents and I hope that is helpful.
I forgot to add how I learned hiragana and katakana lol
Completely free resources actually.
This website is a great resource for learning hiragana and katakana. While going through those courses I also watch the Japanesepod101 hiragana and katakana videos as I tackled each group of characters.
another great resource is Tae Kim's free course.
Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
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How to find someone to teach Japanese?
Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
As for cultural things that will be a bit hard. I suppose watch a ton of YouTube videos about the culture helps along with reading about whatever you can in relation to that. That’s what I have been doing anyways.
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