Weird dreams

theweebcy2001 @theweebcy2001
Weird dreams
theweebcy2001 @theweebcy2001
Any weird dreams you had recently?

Space marine @skullknight
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Weird dreams
Space marine @skullknight

Veru @verucassault
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Weird dreams
Veru @verucassault
Someone sold me dud ammunition in the zombie apocalypse. Not cool, man...

αleph-01 @a1ephy
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Weird dreams
αleph-01 @a1ephy
*loud burp* I rarely if ever have dreams. But when I do dream. I forget them not long after

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Weird dreams
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Last time a friend drags me out to see a musical.
I woke up today having had a dream I attended a shotgun wedding being held at my nextdoor neighbor's house. Oddly the decor had a Beetlejuice vibe to it. Then the bride to be suddenly gets cold feet at the makeshift alter made of milk crates and duct tape. Turning to see me standing in the back of the crowd she darts through the guests to ask if I'll marry her instead.
Feeling put on the spot with everyone there glaring at me for inadvertently crashing the wedding I choose to shrug at the offer saying, "We haven't ever dated and only met. It would be weird marrying you on the spot."
With a grin the woman grabs my hand before breaking into a Disney-esque musical number that turns into a montage of us going on various date scenarios which at one point included fencing a Sasquatch!
All in all I didn't hate the singing as much as I thought I would.

Veru @verucassault
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Weird dreams
Veru @verucassault
Jealous. My dreams are never that entertaining any more.

Yuka King @yukachan
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Weird dreams
Yuka King @yukachan
I had a dream about me being a potato.

arong @arong
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Weird dreams
arong @arong
just a potato? or a stupid potato?

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Weird dreams
Gabriel @gabriel_true
More like Russian Potato.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Weird dreams
Gabriel @gabriel_true

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