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Political rants

@twobananasshyofapumpkinpie Now this is where I disagree with you on drag. Drag in of itself is built entirely on the foundation of crossdressing as a sexual fetish. So outright there is a sexual element underlying the whole thing. It isn't simply just some sort of expressive performance. Could it also have elements of artistic and expressive performance? Yes, but this does not negate the inate sexual nature of it.
Jan 21, 23 at 11:33am
I see drag as being more for entertainment purposes but it can lean heavily into sexuality. It depends on the location and it depends on the drag queen. Conservative drag queens exist. Some have been out spoken against letting kids into drag shows. The type of drag shows I've been to though are not kid friendly and wouldn't just take a kid to any show on a whim those queens were putting on lol. As far as I'm concerned it's adult humor and adult entertainment. The moms letting their kids watch Rupaul are to blame.
No kid should be allowed in a drag show and the people arguing against it being morally wrong are saying conservatives allow kids in hooters and all that. Its not right either way you cant take a kid to the strip club....or well you arent supposed to the left did that anyway and let the kids dance on the poles. They also threw money at the children, its like the world is moving more and more into allowing pedophilia
Jan 21, 23 at 11:52am
(Rupaul isn't appropriate for kids either, no matter how much they edit it down. And I wouldn't want it kid friendly tbh.) https://youtu.be/IxS17JXn7KY
Arc @arc commented on Political rants
Jan 21, 23 at 3:01pm
21 days into the year and we still haven't been nuked. No new pandemic. Stock market hasn't crashed again yet. My next energy bill isn't going to be 3 times what I paid 2 months ago. Things are looking up!
Jan 22, 23 at 8:05am
Journalists should have to site sources. If they throw together a headline like "ABC News analysis of police arrests nationwide reveals stark racial disparity" then they should have to site the source and provide a link if applicable to the data they used to arrive at their conclusions, otherwise what the fuck was the point in citing sources in college. I can pull up the FBI arrest statistics that are currently shown which ends with year 2019 and I can see that whites were arrested 3x more than blacks. Yet journalists want to make sweeping claims that the reverse happens 5x more and 10x more in certain areas. Show.Your.Work. Why am I looking at crime stats, anyway? A video is kinda going viral right now and there's a lot of discussion in the comments. When I watched this video, this guy had 8k subs and now he's 40k+. This video has been viewed 1.2M times. https://youtu.be/BFpUjyM0orQ
@verucassault You started by talking about how a news source didn't cite it's sources but if it cited the FBI statistics that is a source. You are expected to know how to do the math yourself though. White people make up 75.8% of the population in the US and black people 13.6 ( https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045221). So when you look at the last recorded data for arrests by race from 2018 ( https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2018/crime-in-the-u.s.-2018/tables/table-43 ), you will obviously see more white people being arrested, that's how odds and probability work. You may have learned about it in high school with a bucket and some colorful candy. The more of one color candy there is, the greater the probability you'll draw that candy when choosing blindly. But incarceration rates are also important because it shows how many people remain in prison after being arrested ( https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/statistics_inmate_race.jsp ). Then not everyone makes it to the arrest or prison, some get killed by the police. Roughly 1,000 people get killed by police each year ( https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/ ). All of this data together shows two things; police have a bias toward minority groups and the justice system has a bias toward minority groups. To claim otherwise is to claim that 25% of the population commits 53% of crime (See again: ( https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/statistics_inmate_race.jsp ). And then you posted a video that makes bold claims but also doesn't list their sources for such claims in the video or below it, nor did you mention any. They began by talking about hate speech and racism toward white people. Before continuing I'll make my stance clear, I use the original definition of racism and by that standard minorities can be racist toward white people but I also agree that the outcomes that racism has, based on political power, has a place in the conversation. Hate speech as vile as it is, is protected by the US Constitution ruled on several times by the Supreme Court (One such case;( https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/16pdf/15-1293_1o13.pdf ). They then continue with a montage of clips from other people without giving context to what they're talking about. Context matters. They mostly end with the outlandishly bold claim that minorities have more power than whites and again without sources. Power in the US is derived from political representation. In the context of race we've had 1 minority president out of 46 and while congress continues to do better each year it's currently at 124/535 minorities to whites ( https://pressgallery.house.gov/black-americans-117th-congress ) See also ( https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/01/28/racial-ethnic-diversity-increases-yet-again-with-the-117th-congress/ ) I hope this helps you understand the situation better.
Jan 22, 23 at 1:28pm
@twobananasshyofapumpkinpie The article I was reading, well to start there were 2... one was written referencing the ABC article and and then upon reading the ABC article, I noticed there were no sources listed. ((I looked up the FBI information myself before reading these articles. I already know they were false. Read further for context.)) Now here's where we will disagree. I don't have to do the math if the journalist is the one making the claim. The burden of proof falls on them to supply sources and explain how they arrived at their conclusions **especially if I can pull up information that contradicts the claims they are making.** Some people, well, let's just say most will read this and take it at face value. Not only is it misleading, but its completely false. Hence why I said "show your work". As for the video, I only shared why I was even bothering to look up these statistics in the first place. More context? Someone in the comments made a claim that blacks were arrested 8x more than white people and they weren't providing their sources. So I supplied them with one. But I wanted to see why they would have thought that, did a search and viola, ABC and affiliates making claims and not showing how they got those numbers.
Jan 22, 23 at 1:28pm
The definition of racism hasn't changed. This is also a conversation happening in that video's comment section. People have twisted it for arguments and to weaponize. I flat out believe that if you treat one race differently than another then you are a racist. Period.
Jan 22, 23 at 1:35pm
Just to show how it's going viral, black content creators are responding to it. Positively. https://youtu.be/KDLcIG4u54c https://youtu.be/FBCFdbOlv2g https://youtu.be/0Ho_r_3a66A https://youtu.be/QmAYGhXWf6A https://youtu.be/THIGeH4uauY
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