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Something that you just don't understand?

People who don't shower at least once a day. MOFOs be out here smelling like ass. Like goddamn! At least use body spray. Smelling like all be dammed and shit at the same time
@alephy This I wholeheartedly agree with. Been to conventions where the sheer smell of many people who do not shower has been overpowering. By far the worst example of this is when I used to work at a gas station. So they shut down his location to redo the containment tanks and he was to work with me. Well the problem with this guy is that he would not shower or wash his clothes. We aren't talking he forgot a shower for a day or even a week. This was the stench of a person who went possibly a month before washing. So after a few 8 hour shifts with this idiot I brought it up to the boss who brushed it off. There was a Dunkin Donuts in the store as well and they were a good 10 feet away and they could smell it. So they brought it up to the boss who still brushed it off as nothing. Well it got to the point where people refused to come in the store with him and I even refused to work with the guy. Boss still didn't care so I ended up not coming in when that guy was on leading to angry phone calls from the manager and me protesting that he smelled too bad to work with. End result I got a mini-vacation.
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Bro a blockbuster candle XD that shit is funny af
Other people
How people similar to this left woman end up way more successful than the ones similar to the right one. SEEK RESPECT, NOT ATTENTION. https://i.imgur.com/3wKZqM3.jpg
Why does the AoT fandom love SPOILING SO MUCH
I don't understand homophobics to be completely honest its not even a real thing
I've heard its worse in america than in the netherlands. you know you know
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