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Something that you just don't understand?

Give us a number Snake.
Hardcore PC gamers. You're willing to spend Thousands of Dollars, just to play games. You can play games on a 500$ PC too.
@amir_bahram Status, to have the most tricked out rig for PC gaming regardless of functionality or practicality. It's nothing new strangely. Going back to the late 80s, some of the Amiga rigs people made were crazy and cost a good $10,000+. Especially if they had a video toaster attached, 9/10 times they didn't really use the thing.
Eh, maybe I'll understand it if I start playing games.
It's kind of like a fancy car. A Toyota does the job perfectly fine, but people shell out for a Lamborghini. Same thing with a PC more or less.
The more you spend the better quality you get. But the prices arent really proportionate to what performance they offer. Most people are still on 16:9 FullHD resolution still and you don't need a PC that costs more than 500-600$ to play most games on high graphics with stable 60 fps. If you had the money and you knew you can spend it without fucking yourself over why not invest more into your hobby
I may not be the target of such opinions, as my next build is likely going to be $2000USD, if not more. Im looking at one of the highest end GPUs of next generation, with one of the highest end CPUs, somewhat overkill RAM and using a custom liquid cooling loop with proper waterblocks for the CPU and GPU. Im going to just go the lazy route and use soft tubing. I am not going to get the very highest end, as halo products are almost never worth the asking price. After you go high PPI and high refresh, you really cannot go back. The goal of my next build is hopefully 4K 120hz ultra settings for any recent game, as I will likely get a 1440p ultrawide, or a 4k as my main screen, with my current 32 inch 1440p 144hz screen as my 2nd monitor. I should also be able to run the upcoming generation of VR gear with no challenge. I understand that there are diminishing returns, but I take my hobby seriously. I want to have a great experience, and am willing to pay the appropriate amount for it, at the same time, I do not have an unlimited budget. For most people, they dont have the extra income to justify such an expense. As an example, if you look at the Steam hardware survey right now, the most popular video card is the GTX 1060, and the most popular type of screen setup is a single 1080p 60hz. It may also be the case that most people do not agree with me when it comes to audio. I have a $100 USD external DAC and $100 USD amp, hooked up to a $400 USD pair of headphones (my Modhouse Argon MkIII's are my baby). It sounds like a lot for audio... but damn, everything sounds so nice with my setup, its like being in your own personal theater, and all my music just sounds so warm and smooth, all the low notes have a nice "umph" to them. Again, most people look at something like that as if I was crazy. However, most people just consider music to be background noise, not something to be specifically listened to for enjoyment. It also doesnt help when the best headphones they have heard, are either the free earbuds that came with their phone, or some overpriced mediocre headphones by Beats or Bose.
@shinkutsume When you go to build it be very careful and research a lot. Arc built his computer and everything on PCPicker looked fine and was compatible with his 2080 TI but he's had more problems with his computer than I have with mine. Funny, because at the time it was the best thing since sliced bread on the market. I got a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070. But he crashes all the time on random games and always has to make setting adjustments. annnnd we had to trade RAM. Now his dirty RAM is in my computer and I don't know what he's done with it or where it's been. My sweet colorful beast has been desecrated. At first he thought he had a busted CPU. Traded that out. Next we thought it was the TI, but when we sent it off for repairs the company said it was fine and could find nothing wrong with it. The third big issue was the RAM. So we just swapped. For some reason it just wasn't compatible even though websites said it was. pfft
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