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Aug 02, 20 at 12:20pm
i love manga i think its better than anime i made a manga tier list, but some great manga are missing, like boku no koroko no yabai yatsu and my all time favorite manga, shiga hime https://i.ani.me/0268/5194/htgtlen.png
Aug 02, 20 at 12:23pm
I totally dig your S tier man
Aug 02, 20 at 12:25pm
You have 'killing stalking' but no 'bastard'?
Aug 02, 20 at 12:26pm
shiga hime is the best manga it has hopelessness hope romance a villain that slowly becomes the hero and a hero that slowly becomes the villain https://instagram.fhel6-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/c0.92.1121.1121a/s640x640/101088599_187393732523631_6622585341498465873_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fhel6-1.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=byU2Th9ZuSgAX9Tn_FU&oh=c80ac8ee572cfe376ef485533ec79975&oe=5F2BA188&ig_cache_key=MjMyMTQwMjQ0MTIzNDU3MDg5OA%3D%3D.2.c
Aug 02, 20 at 12:27pm
really not into webcomics killing stalking was a rare exception why, what was it about?
Aug 02, 20 at 12:28pm
sounds like a must read to me, but do try 3 gatsu no lion. Bastard and Sweet Home are two more exceptions you will enjoy.
What is this bastard you speak of?
It's a pretty good Manhwa https://myanimelist.net/manga/111213/Bastard You can read it here: https://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/bastard/ep-0/viewer?title_no=485&episode_no=1
I'll give it a look. I thought Killing Stalking was pretty good, though the ending was sad. (Yeah...it was never going to end well, but Warehouse got a good ending)
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