Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
It's fine. We have to buy certain foods nowadays anyway. But even if I was able to get it, I couldn't make it anyway XD.
Tim Burr @criselington
commented on
Tim Burr @criselington
We need to bring back trial by combat.
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
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lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
I see your trial by combat and raise you trial by wombat!
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
This is my first time seeing what a wombat looks like—wow!
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
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lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Gabriel @gabriel_true
I don't believe a seasonal anime should be split further into additional seasons. (i.e. season 2 part 3 after 6 months of the weekly episodic airing of part 2)
This is a terrible business model and it makes me lose further interest in streaming services.
After all it technically is false advertising to say something is a "season" when it airs over multiple seasons across a couple years, ya know.
Change the language to better represent the service. "Yearly Episodes Annually Released" or Y.E.A.R for short.
Then you could have box sets titled RE:Zero Y.E.A.R(s) 1, 2, 3, etc. Imagine the marketing campaign of selling someone literally 25 Y.E.A.R(s) worth of an anime? Now the $69 price tags seem actually worth it. Genius!
Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Gabriel @gabriel_true
The band Oasis did nothing wrong and if your username is Verucassault no one should listen to the opinion of a uncouth Gorillaz woman!
Tim Burr @criselington
commented on
Tim Burr @criselington
Oh damn, what wrong with both Gorillaz and Oasis?
Veru @verucassault
commented on
Veru @verucassault
Got Oasis beef so if you don't like Oasis you must be a Blur/Gorillaz fan. < Which I am LOL.
Tim Burr @criselington
commented on
Tim Burr @criselington
Ahh well I like both but Gorillaz is top tier. Hot take maybe, while amazing Feel Good Inc is not their best song, DARE is their best song
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