If you could bring one anime character into real life, who would it be?

Mea_chan @a13x_6
If you could bring one anime character into real life, who would it be?
Mea_chan @a13x_6
Mine would be Mea Kurosaki from To Love Ru. She likes perverted things and shes really cute. plus I've grown to like her alot. she can also protect me a lot with her trans abilities and give me "special" illusions with psycho dive! https://media.giphy.com/media/cIsNyoeDcJVvLJxuBq/giphy.gif

Vagene @ahuman
commented on
If you could bring one anime character into real life, who would it be?
Vagene @ahuman
This account has been suspended.

Mea_chan @a13x_6
commented on
If you could bring one anime character into real life, who would it be?
Mea_chan @a13x_6
that would be dope... XD

rythanhawk @rythanhawk
commented on
If you could bring one anime character into real life, who would it be?
rythanhawk @rythanhawk

He would for sure have to go with Vanilla H as that would certainly be squeeworthy even if she turns out to be a yandere she would then find the perfect death

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
commented on
If you could bring one anime character into real life, who would it be?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Perhaps Asuka Honda from Asuka 120% BURNING Fest. series.
( ´,,•ω•,,`)♡

Koro @koroshiya_desu
commented on
If you could bring one anime character into real life, who would it be?
Koro @koroshiya_desu
the obvious choice here is ^^

auntron_ @auntron_
commented on
If you could bring one anime character into real life, who would it be?
auntron_ @auntron_
You beat me to it! ;-;. Definitely the best choice :)!

Koro @koroshiya_desu
commented on
If you could bring one anime character into real life, who would it be?
Koro @koroshiya_desu
you can post anyone next to her in yo list though XD

八幡神 @naofumi94
commented on
If you could bring one anime character into real life, who would it be?
八幡神 @naofumi94
^who is this

auntron_ @auntron_
commented on
If you could bring one anime character into real life, who would it be?
auntron_ @auntron_
Holo from spice and wolf, definitely a great watch :3.
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