Gabriel True's 29th birthday

K A M I H A S B E E N F R @kxgami_gxng
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Gabriel True's 29th birthday
K A M I H A S B E E N F R @kxgami_gxng
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. @atom_kitty_kat
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Gabriel True's 29th birthday
. @atom_kitty_kat
@gabriel_true shet ur right sorry but happy birthday XD

Audio-senpai @charlie_swan
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Gabriel True's 29th birthday
Audio-senpai @charlie_swan
Happy Birthday

Fuck you MO @draig
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Gabriel True's 29th birthday
Fuck you MO @draig
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Xelbraig @gabriel_true
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Gabriel True's 29th birthday
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
Thank you Sasayan and Audio!

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Gabriel True's 29th birthday
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Happy "I survived another year" day!

commented on
Gabriel True's 29th birthday
Happy "one less year that I have to deal with bullshit , left"

Xelbraig @gabriel_true
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Gabriel True's 29th birthday
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
Not over yet Chocopyro and Shonyia. I was born at 6 pm of the 31st! So I may die yet before reaching my true 29th haha!

kitsukero @kitsukero
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Gabriel True's 29th birthday
kitsukero @kitsukero
Hqppy birthday!

Xelbraig @gabriel_true
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Gabriel True's 29th birthday
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
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