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Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 14, 21 at 8:39am
One of the things my company as well as other companies discovered is that you don't have to rent an office space or as much office space. Many office/desk jobs can be done from home. We just went in to get all of our things from the office a week ago. First time I went back since March. So it's talking about things like that. Not your lonely otaku lifestyle XP
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 14, 21 at 8:40am
https://youtu.be/FvWiCclESL8 Razer is getting into masks. LED lighting and voice amplifier.
Jan 14, 21 at 9:19am
Quarantine hasnt changed my life but it did change my plans. Maybe for the better i guess. saved me nearly $6k.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 14, 21 at 9:31am
https://youtu.be/G6-AUUH-468 Rep from GA is going to file impeachment papers on Biden Jan 21st. https://media0.giphy.com/media/26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8/200.gif The bullshit from both sides need to stop. They are all acting like children.
Jan 14, 21 at 9:34am
I blame media, media caused this dumb shit to happen. I just pray to god no one shows up to the inauguration. There is no need to die over something so little its only 4 years
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 14, 21 at 9:37am
I'm actually starting to see more of a sway towards protecting our rights from people from the left. I'm actually hopeful for once. Example, banning Trump I can understand especially with the dems and big tech working together. The one that makes me raise my eyebrow is the banning of Brandon Straka and the WalkAway campaign. Seems like anything that goes against the grain or threatens that ideology gets the boot now. But I'm seeing people defend Brandon and the movement. I'm also seeing people on twitter being outspoken about Twitter's hypocrisy of being outspoken about the elections in Uganda vs what's happened over the last 3 days in the US.
Jan 14, 21 at 10:24am
This stuff is crazy, im actually starting to regret having trump in office. Not because he is a bad president but because there is so much divide now. Like we are literally seeing people be silenced. (Not that corporations silencing people didnt exist) but now even big names and well known people are being put on mute in front of the whole world.
Jan 14, 21 at 10:25am
But on the other hand if he had a second term everything would be normal. No riot or whatever else.
αleph-01 @a1ephy commented on News
Jan 14, 21 at 1:58pm
"Its not a case of them going against democracy." Yes, it is a case going against democracy. People want to storm the capitol because of their feelings. It doesn't matter what people feel. What matters are the facts. People can feel cheated all they want. But if facts and basic reality does not agree with people's feelings. Then those feelings are quite frankly wrong and ungrounded. It was arguably seditious and borderline treasonous what those protestors did. Seditious conspiracy, Title 18 of the U.S. Code: -To conspire to overthrow or destroy by force the government of the United States or to level war against them; -To oppose by force the authority of the United States government; to prevent, hinder, or delay by force the execution of any law of the United States; or -To take, seize, or possess by force any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof. Don't just take my word for it. The FBI might charge some of these people with sedition. @hell_hound7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcVJ6GuZzAw&ab_channel=CBSNews
Cero @cero commented on News
Jan 14, 21 at 3:14pm
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