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Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 8:24am
https://twitter.com/dancohen3000/status/1347076676342185984 Cassandra Fairbanks - I think this is a new angle. I cannot for the life of me understand how this could be justified. There were cops right behind her.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 9:15am
lol I love Japan. Their love for Trump is so bizarre it's endearing. https://twitter.com/i/status/1346744290144206848 A pro-Trump #StopTheSteal march is being held right now in Tokyo. Hours before the #January6th march takes place in America, these people are holding their own event supporting the claim that Trump actually won the 2020 election.
Jan 07, 21 at 9:34am
Honestly whenni saw the nancy pelosi computer thing i thought those idiots broke into her house
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 9:50am
*another correction, apparently there has been more than just the War of 1812 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-06/woman-is-shot-to-death-during-storming-of-u-s-capitol Police Fatally Shoot Woman in Congress Chaos, 3 Others Die of ‘Medical Emergencies’ By Sophia Cai and John Harney January 6, 2021, 6:46 PM EST Updated on January 7, 2021, 12:49 AM EST The U.S. Capitol police fatally shot a woman during Wednesday’s assault on the Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump. Robert Contee, the chief of Washington’s Metropolitan Police Department, said the shooting occurred after mobs had forced their way into the Capitol and people attempted to break into the House chamber. “They were confronted by plainclothes U.S. Capitol Police officers, at which time one Capitol Police officer discharged their service weapon striking an adult female,” Contee said at a press conference, adding that the woman was pronounced dead at a hospital. He did not identify the woman and did not provide further details, but said that his department’s internal affairs unit was investigating the episode. Contee, who was sworn in just last week, said that two men and a woman, also not identified, had died “from separate medical emergencies” in the Capitol area. He did not elaborate. During the crisis, a striking image emerged of the plainclothes officers aiming their weapons at the ornate doors of the barricaded chamber, and video showed officers attending to a bloodied woman lying on the floor inside the building. At least 52 people had been arrested as of late Wednesday night, including four on charges of carrying unlicensed pistols. Contee said 47 of the arrests involved unlawful entry or violations of a curfew ordered by Mayor Muriel Bowser. Pipe bombs were discovered at the headquarters of both the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee, and Molotov cocktails and “a long gun” were seized from a vehicle on the Capitol grounds, according to Contee. He added that at least 14 of his officers were hurt during confrontations with demonstrators, including one who suffered serious injuries when “he was pulled into a crowd.” Bowser pointed out that the Washington police do not have jurisdiction over the Capitol complex. The violence occurred after the attack disrupted the certification of Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory by both houses of Congress, forcing lawmakers and their staffs to take cover and flee. The violent death was the first at the Capitol since 1998 when a gunman forced his way through metal detectors and shot to death two Capitol police officers before he was wounded and taken into custody. In 1954, according to a House history, four people associated with the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party opened fire from a gallery over the House floor, wounding five congressmen. Three of the attackers were quickly subdued and a fourth was arrested later. President Jimmy Carter commuted their sentences in 1979. At the press conference, Contee said many of those who played roles in Wednesday’s mayhem remained at large, but that investigators would be examining video. He asked the public “to be on the lookout for these individuals who breached the Capitol, and some of them, we think are very much have to be held accountable for some for the carnage.”
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 10:09am
https://youtu.be/ylVBzJG-Jc8 This was a very interesting stream right before all this went down.
αleph-01 @a1ephy commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 2:16pm
ROFL, I meant Cliven Bundy not Ted Bundy. That was a Freudian slip. I meant the armed standoff with federal agents at the Bundy ranch. Cliven Bundy didn't want to pay some federal taxes. The feds wanted to reposes some cattle and chaos ensued. I don't know why Ted Bundy came into my head. I guess because they both end with Bundy. Lol, good catch https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/cliven-bundy-bunkerville-nevada.jpg And no, I've known about the federal reserve before I even heard of Tim Pool. I even had a debate with Lambus about the fed in the debate thread. I seldom listen to Tim Pool. I put Tim Pool in the Dave Rubin category. Though I think Dave Rubin is way worse then Tim Pool. The liberals that are totally not conservative. From time to time. They have their smart moments. Other times, they descend into pure stupidity. His video on the fed was pretty on point. On other videos. Tim Pool gives a lot of opinions based off his feelings and anecdotal evidence. Then draws conclusions based off that. That's a big no no for me.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 2:47pm
Well I took that down a way dark serial killer rabbit hole then. https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/HD1WLNj6Yjsl1fB11qiByYdxKR0=/197x0:1203x671/1200x800/filters:focal(197x0:1203x671)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/49362917/Screen_Shot_2016-04-20_at_4.22.55_PM.0.0.png Anyway, yeah, no shit. It was a dig. You criticize Pool and various other political commentary brains out there but you also tend to say some very similar things. If you get bored you should check out that video a few pages back dood recommended to me on China. Horrible clickbaity title, but I would love to know your thoughts on it. Feel like a deep dive on Chinese economics vs the US? It's over an hour long though, only prob.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 3:49pm
Ah speaking of which... https://youtu.be/4w-yWfw3BII Tim Pool SHUT DOWN By Youtube! This Is A SCARY Precedent For Free Speech & Independent Youtubers 85,376 views•Jan 7, 2021
Jan 07, 21 at 3:53pm
You thought free speech existed on social media? Have you not seen the complete censorship of president Trump on twitter. They legit made a banner JUST FOR HIM. To discredit anything he says the minute he says it. Free speech doesnt exist on social media platforms. Not on facebook, not on twitch, not on youtube, not even google.
Xjwjxne @aliatus commented on News
Jan 07, 21 at 4:00pm
I'm kinda shocked, I didn't know Japan had so many trump fans, this happened after the riots. https://metro.co.uk/2021/01/07/us-capitol-hundreds-march-in-japan-in-support-of-donald-trump-13864463/
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