Got Insomnia?
Bulvyn @redheadedraider
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Got Insomnia?
Bulvyn @redheadedraider
Zopiclone by the dozen for me
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
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Got Insomnia?
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
I take tranquilizers for my bipolar which I've sadly become dependent on to fall asleep.
foxywhite @foxywhite
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Got Insomnia?
foxywhite @foxywhite
Night time is just my thing. Why tf must the worl work at day where its hot and theres frkin blind light all the time. Smooth is better.
And yeah, cant sleep at all, my body request adventure and love.
Also dungeon and dragons
Xinpaca @xinmage
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Got Insomnia?
Xinpaca @xinmage
Honestly I can't tell what I am anymore. I don't take medicine to sleep mainly because I've grown up with a depressed mother who barely slept no matter what the doctors gave her.
Though I don't believe myself to suffer with the same problems she has, tonight is one of those nights where I hate sleeping because I feel like I am wasting hours of my life.
In truth the irony is that by not sleeping I will simply slip into unconsciousness during the day thereby missing out on more opportunities to get things done.
I guess the song 3 a.m. by Matchbox Twenty sums up my nights in a nutshell.
Xinpaca @xinmage
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Got Insomnia?
Xinpaca @xinmage
And here we are again. Just me not sleeping all alone in my bed.
"Tomorrow will be another part of yesterday
And yesterday will be another part of the day before
Wait, I hear another song, Insomnia
About the days I wasn't tired
And doing that fun, retro look
I stay awake for days
I stay awake for days
But I'd sit awake in daze, anyway
I'm a maze of chains
Hey, don't use the term accommodation
I won't be there for that, and that will never be there for me"
αleph-01 @a1ephy
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Got Insomnia?
αleph-01 @a1ephy
Nope, I sleep like a baby
Xinpaca @xinmage
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Got Insomnia?
Xinpaca @xinmage
But most parents have trouble getting their babies to sleep.
That saying is misleading.
αleph-01 @a1ephy
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Got Insomnia?
αleph-01 @a1ephy
That's why you'll suck as a parent
ゼム @umi_nezumi
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Got Insomnia?
ゼム @umi_nezumi
You can sleep like a brick and still have insomnia. Some people only have trouble getting to sleep not staying asleep.
Veru @verucassault
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Got Insomnia?
Veru @verucassault
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
mother mother fuck
mother mother fuck fuck
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