Whats your most vivid dream?

wolfneko @wolfneko
Whats your most vivid dream?
wolfneko @wolfneko
So Im a bit bored and decided to make a new topic so here it is... Ive been hearing a lot about dreams lately. Dreams are your subconscious trying to tell you a message or if your spiritual it can be your spiritual guide trying to tell you a message but ultimately however it is you see it, dreams are typically messages and I want to tell y'all a dream I had once...
Starts out as the fact when I was around the age of 16 so 10 years ago I worked at a little restaurant called Joe & Eddies... My aunt and Uncle were the owners. I kinda hated it there and when I say hated it, I fucking hated it. My aunt was a ruthless manager... taught me a lot of work ethic but a lot of times your best wasn't good enough. As a kid it got on my nerves, kinda started to get that "Well fuck you too" kinda attitude that started to manifest into actual hate... I started to hate the restaurant and even my own aunt and uncle... My uncle Jerard was getting older... he had suffered 6 strokes but was still kicking... May his soul rest in peace... Even though it was mainly my aunt making the place hell for me, I even started to get animosity towards him for no reason... I was too the point to where I just wanted to hurt them, not physically but emotionally... and this is where I tell the dream...
I had a dream that I walked up on a haunted building, almost like a mansion... Night time... Lighting with no rain... Trees with no leaves... gusting winds... typical haunted mansion scene... It was a representation of Joe & Eddies... I walk in and again... typical inside of a haunted mansion... furniture covered in dusty sheets and infront of me was a staircase leading to the second floor though I don't go up the staircase... I go to a room on the right and in that room is only 1 thing... a table with 2 chairs on each end in the middle of the room... it represented the Joe & Eddies dining area I believe... I walk closer and the table and chairs turn into a bunch of bats that fly out a open window... theirs other windows that show the shadows of dead trees waving in the wind gusts. Not much more in this room so I keep moving to a door on the other side. I open it... and their sits my aunt and uncle at a restaurant booth... Their quiet... I walk upto my uncle (I don't know why I chose my uncle but I think it had something to do with vulnerability, my aunt was a strong independent women... so I didn't want a piece of that xDD) Anyways... for some reason I pull out what looks like my dads .38 special revolver and point it at my uncle... I fire... My uncle catches the bullet with his teeth chews it around a little and nonchalantly spits it at my feet... This represents the fact I could never harm my aunt and uncle physically so this pisses me off... I then go off and call my aunt and uncle everything in the book that I would know hurts them... I mean pure rage pure disregard towards feelings... and my uncle break down into tears... mainly my uncle my aunt was there at the beginning but kinda just vanished as I focus on my uncle... I destroy him with the words I say, pure sorrow, pure anguish and disappointment, and mind you this is what I was thinking about doing for a week now to either my aunt or uncle in rl. I wanted to hurt them emotionally. Seeing his tears and just how much I hurt him I jolt up waking up out of my dream to find myself huffing and weeping, tears running down my cheeks as I slowly come to reality and look around my room. What the hell happened? Im freaking crying but only for the dream, as im awake I don't cry no more but have the reminants of tears on my cheeks and huffing of my breaths... That dream to this day I believe was a message to keep me from emotionally hurting my family... about 2 weeks later after I had the dream my uncle passed away finally coming to from his poor health... I thank that dream from stopping me from that being one of the last things he remembered of me... 10 years later and I still tear up everytime I think of the dream... Just like I am right now as I write this message... This was the only intensely vivid dream ive ever had. Whats yours?

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Whats your most vivid dream?
Lamby @momoichi
i was in a garden and when i tried to leave i walked through a small bridge but when i crossed it these "zebra spiders" attacked my legs. zebra spiders for some reason looked like the leaches from camp lazlo
there was another dream where i was caught up in a gang shooting and i was shot and i was dying and i felt like i was dying. my body was going cold, my hearing was fading and my sight was going hazy. it was weird.

wolfneko @wolfneko
commented on
Whats your most vivid dream?
wolfneko @wolfneko
What do you think was the meaning/message behind those dreams?

αlερh - 3 @whodatbe123
commented on
Whats your most vivid dream?
αlερh - 3 @whodatbe123
Life itself

xxx @__removed_leilum
commented on
Whats your most vivid dream?
xxx @__removed_leilum
What if it's a wet dream
Conclusion: Im a pervert

wolfneko @wolfneko
commented on
Whats your most vivid dream?
wolfneko @wolfneko
Lol well I guess i didnt specify xD

라이언 (ARCHER) @truffle
commented on
Whats your most vivid dream?
라이언 (ARCHER) @truffle
A zombie apocalypse.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Whats your most vivid dream?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I have had a number of fully detailed dreams that I can recall everything about what happened. From people's emotions, to physical touch, smell, taste, or sounds and even entire conversations.
There are quite a few that were real enough to the point I felt myself having the wind knocked out of me and even being killed.
It's fun to listen to others express their experiences. People like my father claim to dream in only black and white and nothing they dream sticks with them after awakening.
I've only ever dreamed in color and majority of times with all of my senses present.
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