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What is it like being a boy on MO?

Then even if you do talk regularly you have to constantly ask yourself. "Am I bothering them?" "Did I post on their wall too much recently?" "She posted something cute on my wall, does she like me? No stupid, stop thinking with your heart."
Suffering on valantines but mostly because of the job.
occasionally getting added by random people and then that followed by them not actually talking to me other than that looking around the forums is fun and i enjoy interacting with the people here.
@Lamby I'm extremely flattered to be considered one of 'MO's most eligible bachelor' I think it comes down to my own indecisiveness. I wouldn't generally consider myself a shallow person( I mean, I feel attraction is 50/50 looks and personality), but I tend to overthink about a lot of things, like whether or not this person and I could have a fun long distance relationship(if they don't do PC gaming then there's not much we can do together) before she or I decides to move towards each other. It also comes down to age/maturity. I classify myself as immature for my age because I love being obscenely goofy most of the time and tend to make inappropriate jokes, but I know when it's time to be serious and I don't have a problem talking about the serious or intimate aspects of a relationship with a partner. I want a partner that can enjoy my goofyness but also have the emotional maturity to throw down a hard conversation and let's face it, the average age of people on this site is between 16-20. People might say 'oh but I'm really mature for my age' but in the end they still don't have the emotional experience to transition from a puppy-love style dating to a stable long-term serious relationship. Not to mention, I don't do the texting stuff. If I'm interested in a person I want to move on to using our voices to communicate. It makes it 100x easier to gauge a person and get to know them in a call rather than messaging. Not saying I don't message, but people who aren't open enough to have a call with a stranger just turn me off. I ended up rambling on but I thought it'd nice to add some more insight.
Pretty sure you guys are either looking in the wrong places or you just don't know how to talk to women. You just gotta remember that each of them has 50+ guys trying to get her attention so you have to set yourself apart from the rest, bring something different other than "send bobs and vegana" to the table and you might find someone that actually likes you for you! This doesn't apply to Kyle, he seems to be the only rational person here when it comes to dating and women lmao
Feb 14, 20 at 9:13am
@Kamy Yeet! I do agree with you but at the same time i don't mate -w- There are a lot woman who's actually interested in pervy stuff. Everyone knows what you want to do by introducing yourself but that doesn't mean you should dig straight aswell OwO
Thank you Kamy. I think another point to add is to just be yourself, as cliche as that sounds. The mindset I see a lot of guys take is that of the 'I'm looking for a gf!' which seems ok but it's just completely wrong. If you're sad because you don't have a gf, you better change your outlook, because sad or desperate men are extremely unattractive to women. If you aren't happy with yourself, whether it be general insecurity, you think you're fat, ect, then your potential partner will pick up on that as well. Either spend the time to work on yourself until you're happy(exercise) or learn how to simply be happy with yourself(therapy/introspection). @Sxfe You bring up a good point. There are people that are here for a good time, not a long time. One thing I see happen, through both talking to friends and personal experiences is it takes a pretty good constitution to endure here(this also applies to IRL) for the long haul, especially if you're looking for a relationship. As a general example, you(a person looking for a relationship) could meet a person that seems nice, and you get friendlier. Eventually you might come across a situation where, either either by chance or purposefully the conversation steers towards a sexual topic, let's say the person you're talking to steered it that way. Biologically it incites a response within you, the natural 'mating behavior'. Now for people who were just looking for fun this is good, it's basically their endgame, win. For the person looking for an actual relationship, it's basically a lose-lose situation, which might sound confusing but hear me out: for a healthy relationship, it needs to be built upon a strong foundation(friendship), because if you've chosen to have that exchange of nudes or one-night stand that immediately transitions into dating, you've essentially skipped over all the framework needed get to know that person on a deep level. Relationships built on sexuality are extremely shallow and do not last. You hardly know anything about that person and in a lot of odd cases I've seen that they've never even spoke to them. It's a bit of an opinion piece but it's kind of my mantra for dating.
Feb 14, 20 at 9:38am
@Kyle (nataku411) Woah!!~ That was actually impressive text to read. No one could've explain better imo. Yea' it might be just me because i literally don't want any kind of relationship besides being a partner. The way feelin' no connection & acting like you're connected to someone just to keep it is lame. That's basically what im dealing with. Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts 'w'
@Sxfe No problemo. It's an interesting topic, commitment is. I've had a chance to talk about it with a lot of different people over the years and for the most part the resounding truth is you either love it/want it or you hate it/don't want it. I'm currently single so at the moment I don't have to deal with it either way, but my overall sentiment is that as soon as I start dating/begin a relationship I want to be committed to it 100% from the get-go, all strings attached. I'm not saying friendship with other women during a relationship is taboo for me, but I believe that the way I carry myself during a conversation with a member of the opposite sex should always reflect my status or being either single or taken, to always be mindful of my interactions and steer clear from situations that put my fidelity at risk.
The realeast advice on girls. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YgkMVvEw2ko&t=1s
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