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I'm just pointing out it's a public forum. And like xy and maria have both said, more so eloquently than I even attempted to say.. if this person posted this thread, even if he wasn't asking for criticism, he's going to get it for the simple fact it's a public forum. If he didn't want any criticism, he may as well have spoke it to the wind for all that matters.
Creepy he's not spamming, if it was spamming then I do more than he does. I think maybe you're confusing it. His opinions are not directed towards anyone on specific. He explained himself, is not about you but people in general.
I agree, creepy your making everyone out to be the bad guy when in actuality your the one starting trouble...he didnt attack anyone he just ststed his opinion (not a threat)
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Creepy, it has nothing to do with you. I'm telling you, is not that we want you to leave is just that you shouldn't pick on yass since the guy is doing nothing wrong.
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Well then, I'm glad you understood. See? It's easier to explain things and discuss them this way. Don't worry too much about it. Lol didn't read the last part, told you it's not because you are different or anything like that.
Just stop.... Look, I'm done with this. Did I play a bit to much? It would seem so, but only because I was taunted so to speak. I bid thee farewell if you do leave, but don't look for pity by stating that you will.
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