Ipads are just computers without the keyboard CHANGE MY MIND

datoneanimeboi @datoneanimeboi
Ipads are just computers without the keyboard CHANGE MY MIND
datoneanimeboi @datoneanimeboi

야마차 【Yamucha】 @yamcha
commented on
Ipads are just computers without the keyboard CHANGE MY MIND
야마차 【Yamucha】 @yamcha
>apple products

Audio-senpai @charlie_swan
commented on
Ipads are just computers without the keyboard CHANGE MY MIND
Audio-senpai @charlie_swan
Define computer.

αмυ ☆ @auriela
commented on
Ipads are just computers without the keyboard CHANGE MY MIND
αмυ ☆ @auriela
it's an apple product. you're gonna smash the screen by looking at it sideways. is it obvious that i've been done dirty by 4 iPhones & 2 iPads? S A L T. P R I C E Y S A L T.

zacknero03 @zacknero03
commented on
Ipads are just computers without the keyboard CHANGE MY MIND
zacknero03 @zacknero03
They are the same as touchscreen phones, but you don't call them computers.

rinse @rinse
commented on
Ipads are just computers without the keyboard CHANGE MY MIND
rinse @rinse
ipads are indeed computers
abacuses are also computers
so are diagrams that you draw on a piece of paper

Glittery @glittery
commented on
Ipads are just computers without the keyboard CHANGE MY MIND
Glittery @glittery
iPads are mini TVs with touchscreen abilities :3

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
commented on
Ipads are just computers without the keyboard CHANGE MY MIND
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
This account has been suspended.

fatzilla @jineko
commented on
Ipads are just computers without the keyboard CHANGE MY MIND
fatzilla @jineko
by definition it is... wtf

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
Ipads are just computers without the keyboard CHANGE MY MIND
Laffantion @laffantion
Dude that's peasants thinking
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