How would you react if the above user rejected you
jodokon @jodokon
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
jodokon @jodokon
Ain’t even mad.
Sobo275 @sobo275
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
Sobo275 @sobo275
Cold blooded.
Criselington @criselington
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
Criselington @criselington
Understandable but still a little heartbreaking
Wik @wik
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
Wik @wik
psshh. I can grow hair too!!!
Sobo275 @sobo275
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
Sobo275 @sobo275
Dang biggus I thought we had something going there, rip the dream.
commented on
How would you react if the above user rejected you
I guess I'll need to purify my body on holy water first, just so you know I do am a Catholic~
Aka-san @redhawk
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
Aka-san @redhawk
Noooo my confused boner ;w;
Criselington @criselington
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
Criselington @criselington
Oh my, well I guess I understand you already have your lady
αleph-01 @a1ephy
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
αleph-01 @a1ephy
Oh yeah, I got sumtin fo yo hairy ass
serial sans @skeygeta
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How would you react if the above user rejected you
serial sans @skeygeta
Well, to be honest I think thats kinda poetic xD
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