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Reasons to Live

Aug 01, 19 at 3:54pm
Go out and get some exercise. Its proven to best mood and is just overall good for your body
^ He is lying to you >.> I exercise all the time and i dont feel better
Exercise DEFINITELY improved mental health so get on it
Aug 01, 19 at 4:37pm
No there's no defeniate reason to live but that makes it so much better, you have to find your passions and pursue them then you will have a reason to live.
Aug 01, 19 at 5:48pm
Having fun. Making new experiences.
Aug 01, 19 at 7:29pm
There is no overall cure for depression, You just have to do alot of soul searching. Alot of the time you wont even know why you feel that way or there wont be a reason. it doesnt mean there is something wrong with you its just how some people are. I immerse myself in video games, work, and anime to help with mine but it doesnt work all of the time and i am an introvert in a big way because of it (among other reasons) Its just apart of who you are. There are some things like pills or friends you can talk to that will help but there is no cure. I've learned to live with it and i hope you can too!! Just remember that it may be something wrong with you but it doesnt make you wrong its just how some people are. Hope that helps but if you ever need someone to talk to i will lend an ear. And that goes for anyone!!!
Aug 02, 19 at 12:06am
If you don't like my exercise answer, go see a therapist
Hmm, honestly it is kinda weird for me to say this because I m still young and it might be hard to take serious, but I do get a lot of depression sometimes and I know that most people have had experience with depression as well, which is quite normal in todays generation, but my way of treating depression is to usually just try to think of the positive things in life and stop thinking negative all the time, which is what mostly ruins you and I am not saying its an easy thing to do since most people go through different things which not everyone can relate to and not everything can you think positive of, but you just gotta go through it even if it is hard to do. And i dont know if someone already said it here but its true man
Aug 02, 19 at 1:06am
Hopes and dreams are a good way to combat depression. I know it sounds a bit cheesy so I'll try to make it concise and straight to the point, the more objectives and goals you have - the more you can push yourself to do them. It's extremely hard to come up both with a dream that is achievable and interesting for you and the will to actually do it, most people usually end up procrastinating into the oblivion. Take small steps, one at the time, begin by making small changes in your life, nothing crazy, start getting up at a different hour, start eating healthily, start doing small exercises, even if you do a bunch of small activities over time they will add up enough to make it something of value for yourself!
Do what you enjoy and what makes you happy. Depression hits me everyday and other stuff so I try to focus on other things like art games and music. I try to be strong I can win
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