Max's Harem
Max @reclaw
Max's Harem
Max @reclaw
Hello citizens of my lovely kingdom of hugs. <3
I now have a harem, it's official, and you can apply.
Services included: Hugs, cuddles, pats, snacks, sweets, bath water, and movie nights
So far in my harem:
- Toshinou, aka. Snuggletosh
- llemurr, aka. the lovely llemurr
- Laffanition, aka. the Bratwurst boi
- Dead Boi, aka. the lyrical lovemaker
- Baka, aka. the one who didn't want the hug (but he got pats)
- Lamby, aka. the tentacle hugger
- Pringle, aka. the love crisplet
- Charles, aka. the the one with many floofs
- Panda, aka. the chocolate bear
- Onizuka, aka. the fluffy friend
- Relim, aka. lovetrap thigh-clap
- Mikan, aka. smol cuddles
- Standino, aka. the gentle hug for cold nights
- Audio, aka. the sound of love
- oguma, aka. the hug proposal
- Akari, aka. the gentle pat on a summer day
- Excaliborg, aka. weapon of mass loving
- Innocence, aka. cuddlybubbs
- Plátano, aka. the snug
- PM, aka. the serial hugger
- Yestotally aka. Yestotallove
- A nameless warrior poet, aka. Russian love
- Teacup, aka. the hug of the sea
- Rafaelsanzio, aka. RAWRfael~
- OrangeMilk, aka. Milkyboo
- Rodrigo, aka. the Cuddlemeister
- Vileangel, aka. crocodile cuddler
- Beherit, aka. the elite hugger
- Alittle, aka. huggles
Laffantion @laffantion
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Max's Harem
Laffantion @laffantion
Mhh only if this stays heterosexual.
llemurr @llemurr
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Max's Harem
llemurr @llemurr
Aw yeeee harem time.
Max @reclaw
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Max's Harem
Max @reclaw
About 10% homo.
Laffantion @laffantion
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Max's Harem
Laffantion @laffantion
not great, not terrible i am in.
Lamby @momoichi
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Max's Harem
Lamby @momoichi
i will be your sunohara >w>/
Max @reclaw
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Max's Harem
Max @reclaw
And I will have you ;u; <3
Max @reclaw
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Max's Harem
Max @reclaw
Sunohara? Nani?
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
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Max's Harem
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
FUKK... why did I not throught of this before Fukkk! QWQ
Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
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Max's Harem
Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
I am not part of this harem.
With every Sunohara post, I am more tempted to hire Lamby lol
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