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Mod Auditions

Jul 09, 19 at 4:59pm
I vote burning halo too. He's a good man
Gurren I support your message!!
Cero @cero commented on Mod Auditions
Jul 09, 19 at 5:00pm
This account has been suspended.
Jul 09, 19 at 5:02pm
I appreciate it, Choco but I don't want to be a mod. I been a mod in some serious online communities even contacted the police over a stalker. I just want to chill here.
OwO and with dat ghost withdraws from the mod voting Ghost will be missed QwQ
Jul 09, 19 at 5:09pm
You all should be happy I'm a strict and constantly scanning mod. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/118/143/5ec.gif
Yeah well ghost was the only dude i was voting for tbh. I would have picked tsunpaper but he isnt here that often due to constantly being busy. No one else gets my vote tbh XD Im also There with you @ghost i owned my own community before joining the site. it had a couple thousand people in there. Unlike "Mod" status i was the owner appointing other people as mods. I usually try to keep a neutral stance to things. And i always stick to the rules there is no gray area for me.
Jul 09, 19 at 5:15pm
Of course I’d fulfill any responsibilities expected of me seriously as well.
Jul 09, 19 at 5:15pm
One thing is being a mod, but I can't imagine being a creator and just watch multiple things go to shit at the same time on daily basis, and probably having to spend half the day fixing it. I honestly don't know how Seph does it without going insane. Especially since this site isn't the only thing he's working on.
Jul 09, 19 at 5:20pm
Im probably to new to the site to be considered for a Mod. But ill put in a vote for Laffantion
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