Why Highschool Sucks (Or doesn't suck)

ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
Why Highschool Sucks (Or doesn't suck)
ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
We contaminated the torture thread with highschool experiences (it was only a matter of time).
So in the name of concise conversation I will attempt to split up the topics.
Now go forth and be deep, meaningful, cringe or too real as you describe the highschool horrors that befell you.

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
Why Highschool Sucks (Or doesn't suck)
Laffantion @laffantion
yes highschool sucked for me. will uni be better? oh i don't think so.

ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
commented on
Why Highschool Sucks (Or doesn't suck)
ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
For me... generally just racism from the snobby rich kids. I'm a quarter Lebanese you see. I also fell into an ego loop for a while. Either people hated me or they didn't even see me. Aftera while I got over myself and I actually made some pretty good friends. But that's the thing. I really had to humble myself. Which is hard when you think your as top shit as I am. Before Year 12 I had been a model a lead actor in stage shows and a house captain. I'd been on fire for years and needed to get shot down. Which happened in the form of a spunky short girl tearing me a new one. EDIT: and an ass beating

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Why Highschool Sucks (Or doesn't suck)
Lamby @momoichi
to be fair
highschool is evil

ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
commented on
Why Highschool Sucks (Or doesn't suck)
ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
@laff Uni is different. Will you live on campus?

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
Why Highschool Sucks (Or doesn't suck)
Laffantion @laffantion
i had 2 friends at my high school and because i changed school two times since middle school i did not bother to learn the names of anyone, maybe thats why nobody liked me in high school. in middle school i had more friends and almost got together with a girl but before anything could really happen with her i went to a different school.

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
Why Highschool Sucks (Or doesn't suck)
Laffantion @laffantion
no i will still live at home and drive there. But first i will do a volunteer year.

ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
commented on
Why Highschool Sucks (Or doesn't suck)
ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
That is better I think. I was on campus and it was just like highschool. Immature, cliques and exclusion. When I lived off campus it was easier and I could have a much more adult relationship with people I studied with.
If you want to be more social though it won't just happen, especially when living off campus you really got to take initiative.

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
Why Highschool Sucks (Or doesn't suck)
Laffantion @laffantion
i don't want to be more social. i just need one more person in my life then i am happy.

baithoven @baithoven
commented on
Why Highschool Sucks (Or doesn't suck)
baithoven @baithoven
My highschool years were the happiest years of my life.
But not really because of school, that part of it mostly sucked; it's mostly the things my friends and I got up to outside of school that make those days so memorable and special to me.
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