Hiya everyone what's up new hereω

Kyoya Lala @kyoyalala
Hiya everyone what's up new hereω
Kyoya Lala @kyoyalala
Love talking about anime hehe Its hard to find someone who likes the same stuff as you anyway my fav anime is DBZ-Super but of course I really love the new movie my newest fav character in the anime is Broly*Hey everyone has there own fav actor they like so deal with it* Anyway i hope we can get along with each other (≧∇≦)

Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
commented on
Hiya everyone what's up new hereω
Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
Welcome to MaiOtaku :D Enjoy the stay :D

potatomasher45 @potatomasher45
commented on
Hiya everyone what's up new hereω
potatomasher45 @potatomasher45
Welcome! I hope you have fun on this site!

CAC @cac
commented on
Hiya everyone what's up new hereω
CAC @cac
Welcome to the site!

Sir_Jet @sir_jet
commented on
Hiya everyone what's up new hereω
Sir_Jet @sir_jet
Holy cow, another Broly fan!?!
Anyway, welcome. I hope you enjoy yourself.
But seriously though, Broly never gets any love.

Jessie @erendel
commented on
Hiya everyone what's up new hereω
Jessie @erendel
Hello, welcome.
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