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Should you relate/date someone who's religion is different than yours?

So many religions and deities, respect should be mutual.You cannot prove ur deity/deities exist, I cannot prove my deity/deities exist, why not accept each other or just be strangers? Generally speaking, people who believe in missionary religions may be more conservative and zealous than followers of other kinds of religions. I myself am irreligious~
The Bible talks about being unequally yoked and the follies of that... Though not all are Christian, however, the basics can still remain. When two can not act as one, a rift can form. However, this really relies on how important your particular flavor of religion is to you. If you are an ardent ,lets say, Christian, being with an ardent Satanist (The Church of Satan is not about actual devil worship, it's a self seeking philosophy with a mocking tone. But even Jesus said, if you are not with me, you are against me.)may not jive well. However, if you're "luke warm" and not as stringent about certain things, it may work. It's a matter of what's more important to you, your faith or your partner. As for me, I couldn't be with a Christian(Just saying that since that would be the most likely religious group to run into where I'm at.), though I respect your right to believe as you wish and would never stand in another's way. I was once one, but my views would clash to much with one who actually believes that a family should also be Christian. I fall in the camp of agnostic and my wife leans more towards atheistic. Both of us don't have conflicting spiritual beliefs (Per se)and though I have a strong belief there may be something, it's not something I feel compelled to make others believe. Note, by believe, I mean I can not prove nor claim my thoughts to be fact. We still do discuss spiritual things from time to time and always respect each other's stance. Oddly enough, she believes in ghosts and claims to have seen the same one twice, where we live.
Eh depends on how religious they were. Hypothetically, I could go out with anyone from any religion as long as they considered themselves more secular than religious, accepted evolution as scientific fact, and accept the earth is 4.6 billion years old and humans and dinosaurs never co-existed. However, some religious groups tend to be more religious than others and take things more seriously, so I would tend to avoid people who belonged to such groups.
I've dated diversely: Two Jews (I have great chemistry with Jewish ladies and some of them are fucking sexy) One atheist Muslim (She was "muslim" because her family was, but was super unreligious) One agnostic One Christian Two Polytheists (Roman CDR and the other being Shinto) I don't get along with atheists, Christians or Muslims, and probably wouldn't date Sikhs (though I'm friends with them) the main issue with dating these is that I wish to expose my future children to my religious beliefs, and I don't want them exposed to Islam or Christianity.
My ex and I were together for 6 years and have a child together, and our different viewpoints definitely put a strain on the relationship while we were together...I guess it depends on the couple though
I mean it depends on alot of things. How open minded are you both? Do you both want or have children to be raised in a certain way? I mean sure any kind of relationship can work if you're both the right kind of people for said relationship. That's a fact. So to answer your question, Yes. To be more nuanced will bring in more specifics that can either cause it to fail or thrive. It's always easier to be in an relationship with someone you relate to more, but while it's more rare than movies like to show, opposites do infact attract as long as your core values are similar.
I'm gonna say 9 times out of 10 hell no. Practicing religious folks are frequently incapable of seeing past their beliefs, and if you believe something different they will either never quit silently judging you for it or will forever be trying to convert you. I agree wholeheartedly with Kamina. I would never date a practicing Christian, Muslim or (adding this one) Hindi. From personal experience, all three are nothing but trouble if you don't share their beliefs/culture, even as friends or even just coworkers.
It really shouldn’t matter what religion someone is unless their super crazy about religion and believe they need to follow every step of that religion that could be a problem
I generally don't mind so long as no one is trying to convert anyone against their will, but I can definitely see how it could be an issue if like kids were involved.
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