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How do you feel about being much older and single?

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i think the rates of being marriage lower the older you are my mom is single though and she seems pretty alright with it, she's always been super independant, so to each their own and i know your feeling on being behind for your age. when i heard a friend of mine in high school had her own place, a job, and a fiance i felt like dirt. but we all go at our own pace, and comparing yourself to those around you isnt helpful is there any reason in particular why your single? too picky or more anti social?
For a long time I longed for the romance my parents had where they met in middle school then started dating in college with them getting married on the fifth anniversary of their first date. As a result, I chased after people in order to be in a relationship even though I didn't really have the maturity to be in one. It took me until recently to come to terms that I won't have a carbon copy of the romance they had.
I 1000% agree with Lamby. We all have our own time to go with. That's why its a little tougher this time because of social media BUT it will be fine bro. I'm almost at my 30s too. You just have to go with life and enjoy it. Find something you are passionate about and focus on that.
I just hit 26 myself this month, so I'm also creeping ever closer to the 30 mark. I kinda haven't really thought about a relationship or felt bad for not being in a relationship in a while. Not since I was 24 actually. I've been too focused on work to really think about it that much. It used to bother me a lot when I was younger since I tend to overthink things but eh, I've had my share of relationships. It's nice to have someone but it's never good to settle for anyone just to be in a relationship. I have had opportunities recently but hesitated now that I look back, I didn't exactly hesitate because I disliked the girls I was involved with or was too shy or anything. It was more like I sensed that our goals and worldview didn't match up. We were just attracted to eachother. Like if I were to think with my dong, I probably wouldn't be single right now since physically they were totally my type, would smash in an instant. But my brain has had a much stronger influence and I would wonder if it would really be worth it in the long run considering the fact that we obviously aren't on the same wavelength when it comes to a lot of things. Which is very important to me because I want something that would last in the long run, getting too old to be having little flings and stuff. I would much rather have someone like-minded, who has the same worldview and similar goals in life. Things like that create much happier and stronger relationships rather than just plain physical attraction At this point rather than feeling bad about being single and only getting older, I just feel like I respect myself and understand myself enough to know my needs and that a relationship isn't part of those needs, it might be nice but that isn't really part of the endgame. Whatever happens, happens though
My life growing up was pretty rough between my divorced birth parents. Nowadays, I live alone, but near them and fear parents and other relatives' positive and negative opinions and actions toward my interests in life embarrass me enough to hurt me. My mother's side of the family are much more historical and sounds like she is begging me to continue her family's tradition, while my father is usually an incorrect speculator when in his "adult talk". I know I am a full-grown adult, but after I lost my big brother in a car accident, my parents were saddened by his passing away and fear I might end the same way while taming me way more than enough. And with strong senses, any phone notification feels like watching or playing Internet Screamers (e.g. Scary Maze Game). But I can detect things most people don't notice. As for being single, I heard being that is more affordable and quiet than having a lover. If I get children, that would be not only hectic in caretaking, but cost more and would be embarrassing when having relatives interacting with them in adoring, but randomly silly manners. But maybe moving from my family's hometown area might bring back happiness.
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Being 32 years old, I have grown and learned things about myself. I have accepted the possibility of being single but have not lost hope for a relationship. I am open for that right one to come across me someday which will lead to life with that person. We experience and face life differently so who knows what might happen. And that is what I keep open and remind myself at times. Now would I feel happiness and joy etc if I was with someone? Definetly. But I am not desperate in pursuing that in a unhealthy way. I am a very hermit / introverted person irl when trying to socialize with new people hence my single status. But recently I have started to make myself seen in certain places to show to others "I am here". This is the nature of us being able to change over time in various ways. This is my way to show that I am open for that chance. What I have learned over my one relationship is that staying true to yourself, your values and style of life is key. Relationships are compromises between two people and giving something to the other because of that. It is your time, attention to the other persons needs, emotional and physical care etc. But what it should not be is a sacrifice of who you are and what you like to do. Be yourself and be true to your needs. Communicate. But also realise that you need to give for you to get. And just be nice and loving to the other person. Until I find a person who is ok to be with the person I am, without denying of who I am as a whole, until that I will be single. Sacrificing my own happiness will lead to misery of two people and no one wants that.
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late happy bday, kaizer >w>/!!
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