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Girls having deep voices

Just wanna know do other guys find this attractive?? Or is it really not attractive? When I mean deep I don't mean like super deep like a buff man's voice.. LOL I just mean deeper female voices.. Where they sound female but you can tell it's a female's deep voice and sometimes online people will say ' That's a trap , a guy trying to be a girl ' but in reality it's just you're voice and you are actually a girl.. I guess the kind of voice you'd imagine a tomboy to have? I'm really embarrassed about my voice since I wish I HAD a more sweeter or feminine voice and I get alot when I voice chat with guys they get disappointed when they hear my voice and they say something like ' Oh I don't know why but I'd thought you'd have like a higher pitch voice.. Due to you're personality and the things you like. ' Cause I like alot of cute and girly stuff.. It really hurts me when a guy has that first impression of me and is disappointed it actually kind of makes me want to run away and I usually find a reason to do so cause I'm really ashamed and hurt. I wish I can change my voice's tone but I dont know how and I can make my voice higher pitch but it's not as feminine as I'd like it to be.. And It's not like it's my resting voice. Really self conscious about this and I'd like to know if anyone knows can I fix my voice or is it something I'm always going to be stuck with?
Yes some guys like girls with deeper voices (I know I do) but it's all on you. I mean, don't try too much to please others, like, if you liked your higher pitch voice more, I'd say go for it, but if it's just to meet the guys's expectations I dunno, is it really worth it? Do you need to fit expectations? I mean, they are disappointed but are they really disappointed? Maybe it's no big deal. I don't really know how to fix this, my tip would be to search youtube or google. I also know the voice is something you have to train and you won't be able to "make a new voice" on your first day.
Dec 29, 18 at 6:28pm
I don't think it really matters either way for me, it would have to be like a dudes voice to me any kind of turn off for me. You're probably just thinking about it too much.
Voices don't matter. Men who run away because of ur voice look superficial.
Thanks everyone~ I guess in all honestly like if I could have a little more of a feminine voice I'd really like it. Do you think I can train myself to use my higher pitch voice as my resting voice..? Is that possible to do with you're voice box..?? I'm just saying this out of what I wish I could have changed of myself.. I guess? I really don't want to do something like hormone therapy LOOOL... But I wish I had a cuter voice.. I actually a little envious of some girls voices as I wish I had that..
I've honestly never put much thought into it myself. I think most people wouldn't really mind? What one person may not care for another person can easily find interesting. I actually have a friend who wishes she had a less squeaky voice so I guess it really is a matter of personal taste.
Is there anyone who doesn't hate their own voice?
Don't worry you don't need hormone therapy to get a higher pitch. There are guys that can do a trap/girl voice and some girls can do a super high pitch anime voice because they trained their voice box. You can get a higher more feminine pitch if you wanna.
A girls voice doesn't matter, It's her personality that matters and that's what most people find attractive.
A girl doesn't need a cute voice to land sombody. Most couples meet online nowadays anyway
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