Guide on how to date a woman

Whisp @whispywoods
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Guide on how to date a woman
Whisp @whispywoods

正義の味方 @gundamu
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Guide on how to date a woman
正義の味方 @gundamu
Yeah, I definitely feel like this needs to be addressed more often. I think a whole lot of guys make the mistake of treating the opposite sex as a prize to be won or something. Like I mean in general if you're approaching someone with the intent to date them from the get go you already fucked up and you need to fix that mindset because you're already setting yourself up for failure. I understand that some people's synapses just go insane because of people meeting certain conditions IE: "attractive girl, shares same interests as me, is somewhat nice to me" but it's still generally a good practice and just common sense to get to know a person at least. And not just a "I know some facts about you, we date now!!!11!" type of thing.
Just go in trying to make friends: whatever happens, happens after that. The process is pretty confusing and frustrating to some, I completely understand...I mean to be perfectly honest I'm pretty dense when it comes to whole romance thing and can't notice signals at all. To give you an idea, I've literally had nudes sent to me and still was pretty much like "Nice! Don't know what you're getting at though..." not even exaggerating, this legit happened before. *cough*
But yeah I'm sure as hell a total relationship guru when it doesn't involve me. So trust me :u

Baka @reinhardt76
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Guide on how to date a woman
Baka @reinhardt76
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Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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Guide on how to date a woman
Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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Guide on how to date a woman
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
@Mr.Perfectionist its complicated, because no single person is a simple one type of thing. People are complex with layers and layers of complexity. I get where you are coming from, but you gotta just do things to make them feel more special than everyone else. While also being their bestfriend. You know all of the other person's secrets and they yours. Its a long story, but don't feel like its just treating someone nice. I really do know where you are coming from bro.

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Guide on how to date a woman
Lishifu @hakutaku
What an amazing thread!!Incels! Don't fall for girls who happen to relieve your loneliness to some extent too quickly, for example a few days after you talk to her.This is nothing with being nice because being nice and responding to people's DMs is a traditional virtue.Ask yourselves:Do you know her true-selves? Does she know your true-selves? Do you make her secure? Do you actually trust her? Infactuaion is common,love is rare~~

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Guide on how to date a woman
Lishifu @hakutaku
To girls who want a longterm relationship rather than one night stand or money or the pleasure of gaining male attention:
Clarify that it takes you some time to decide on a romantic partner~Most flings hurt in the end~
You have the right to reject guys you don't like in a romantic sense.
Don't mess with some lonely guys' feelings and give them hope!Tell them bluntly that you are just interested in friendships.
How should we treat guys who attempt to talk dirty at the very beginning of conversations?
Unfriend them.Dick-heads don't know basic etiquette.

. @pk_zero
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Guide on how to date a woman
. @pk_zero
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yaasshat @yaasshat
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Guide on how to date a woman
yaasshat @yaasshat
Hold up! You mean to tell me people are just people, no matter their sex, color or creed? Woah, woah, woah...I mean, damn. That's one hell of an epiphany. That just, well, that changes everything. My mind can't handle this kind of upheaval in thinking. What are we to do now? Act like a "normie"? Next thing you'll say is it's better to actually talk to people offline and in person. I shutter at the thought.

thatonepiecefan29 @thatonepiecefan29
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Guide on how to date a woman
thatonepiecefan29 @thatonepiecefan29
From what I am getting off this entire forum is that at TON of dudes just send dick picks and talk pervy to other female users. God how pathetic do you have to be xD FFS how lonely are some of y'all
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