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The spooky paranormal topic

anyone summoned a tulpa?
I considered it, but I was too scared to get some serious problems with dissociative identity disorder.
Summoned? Nope. Created? I've dabbled. Though tulpamancy is something you really should only get into if you have already faced and accepted most of your inner demons, really know yourself, and are in sound mental health. It can get ugly if you aren't. For me, I never really had that problem. Then again, I've only dabbled.
If any of this is real,why is there no scientific backing? That's my main question. People believe, sure. I get that. But, for the paranormal being such a prevalent force of nature, why do so few "genuinely" see or experience it? Just curious. I can't say there isn't anything, as I have no proof of either side of the debate, just my own opinions. I even question what my wife said she saw, but I'd love to experience something and know for myself. Still, I enjoy hearing about other's experiences.
^ I'm somewhere in the middle, I don't believe 100% exactly but I won't dismiss it completely too. I find it very interesting too.If we go to a more scientific explanation some would say "suggestibility" mixed with culture/media. The brain tries his best to make sense of happenings. and what's a tulpa? is it some kind of supernatural sheep? I think supernatural stuff's a great part of any culture, every country got their own creepy,weird,sometimes funny stories of supernatural stuff.
@Yasshat: You aren't wrong to ask, and in fact, its a good thing to ponder. If I had to guess, I'd say that it's probably because the paranormal really isn't as dramatic as people like to believe it is. I have my own theories, based on my friends experiences and my own. I wasn't born special or anything, although an astrologer who was looking at my twin brother and I's charts did ask us right out if we were mediums, so meh, who knows. The reason I'm not convinced that you need to be born spiritually sensitive is because I was taught how to sensitize myself by a friend in high school who's family has a bit of a history with things like reiki. As for whether there is a scientific backing or not? Actually plenty of legitimate people have looked at it, but lets face it. Its 90% subjective. When my friends and I would practice trying to open our mind's eyes and such, we would never tell each other when we sensed something. Merely jot down notes like "Weird asian guy with a long neck crawling on the ceiling" and compare them later. And sometimes we would describe the same things, but see them in different corners of the room. So whatever we're sensing, its clearly not in 3rd dimensional space. So since the human brain can only perceive so much of reality, I personally think its just a layer or two beyond that. And what's more, we don't always get consistent results. Sometimes I'll walk into a place that is notoriously haunted, like say... Anywhere in Athens, Ohio on OU campus. And I won't sense a thing. In fact I go down there a lot, and have never seen or felt a ghost in any of the places that are said to be haunted. Like ever. On the other hand, I have friends who do spiritual stuff like me, but claim that the weird stuff only happens when I'm around. I also have at least one friend who kinda does the opposite, where he kinda neutralizes the spiritual space in whatever area he walks through. What kinda scientist would ever take that seriously? Its like a historian taking Atlantis seriously. There's a stigma on it, and for good reason. There's way too much bullshit around it. Still fun to explore though. V---Of course this is the most logical reason of all---V https://i.imgflip.com/x7y1k.jpg @Foo_Fighter: A Tulpa is a thought form entity that is created from a concept, or human belief. One example would be the cliche of that imaginary friend that becomes a little too real. Although the most basic form of tulpamancy consists of cultivating split personalities, and hence another reason why I don't recommend it.
Choco, "There's way too much bullshit around it. Still fun to explore though" That about sums it up for me. I mean, I love the idea, the "fantasy" aspect and the mysticism of it. It's the idea that we and everything are more than it all seems, that's always intrigued me. I used to be religious (I'd say I'm agnostic now, but I do personally believe there to be something outside of this mortal relm.) and on some level, those remnants of superstition have set in my mind that it's definitely possible. What is the world, but a giant magnet and we, just electricity flowing through it. That would make earth into a recording device of sorts, trapping information, electricity, life and history to be replayed and distorted. Or, dimensions might very well come through due to the energies involved of the universe. Who knows? I grew up in a house where a little girl was raped and burned alive (Verifiable thru news articles and court records.) by her uncle. The house besides mine growing up, was used as a field hospital during the civil war and there's an old forgotten unmarked (Because construction workers accidentally knocked down the tombstones.) cemetery in between that property and my parents. I never so much as felt an odd vibe. But, again, who knows? I'd just like proof of something, is all. Scientists will take seriously what can be verifiably tested.
Considering I lived across the street, not fifteen feet away from a real old cemetery from age 0-15, Quite a bit. That said I'm nothing special, I got good instincts(Can tell when others are lying ect), and I swear I've had visions here or there, but it's mostly just feelings in that case, and not quantifiable, most people have those experiences I believe, and I don't think it proves much if anything. But back on topic, Some small stuff here and there. What most people don't seem to consider is most ghosts aren't really evil, nor are the bad ones the "Make your room cold and send tvs flying at you type.". Here's a funny one. Alright, so I was in my room,13-14 at the time, My mother was at work, my father at the doctors, At the time, my latest cat and dog had both died a few months prior, So it was one of the few instances I was completely Alooooone. So I leave my room, to the next and start messing around on my moms computer, watching some youtube or some crap. Before suddenly, my Xbox turns on, now you'll know if you had a 360 they made this high pitch beeping noise when you turn it on. I think to myself "What the hell" But I shrug it off, Get up and go to room, thinking something may of brush up against from falling, or it had some sort of update and turned itself on, But the catch is... it wasn't on. "Okay~" I tell myself, and walk out thinking I was just hearing things. But when I just leave my room, outside of the door way. The sound happens again, and it isn't faint like last time. So I turn around and it's still Not on. So now I'm telling the "Fuck off" Getting irritated, then for about twenty minutes, no sound, I go to the bathroom(Which is right next to my room. BEEP BEEP "OH COME ON!" Fucking Ghost trolled the crap out of me. That or I was going nuts. Either way, it was one of the more "Okay this is definitely not normal" moments where others you could argue whether it was just imagining things or not, or forgetting that you moved something. I'm usually pretty skeptical on this stuff due to how often it happened. Then there are the bad one's like demonic possession, They usually happen during sleep paralysis, which makes it difficult to know unless you've been through both, due to SP having a heavy hallucinations. When you have SP as much as I did, You know the difference between something being real and not. Or the fact when it happened when I was completely awake, and just lost control of my body on the spot when wide awake, Fun Times. Now one could argue it's just bodily errors. But it doesn't end there either with my experiences, those were just the most blatant and physical. It'd be impossible for me not to believe with what I've seen what I've been through, Hell it's one of the biggest reasons I'm not a complete atheist anymore like I was when I was 12-16ish. Now I understand if no one believes me, People love to spout this shit to get attention constantly, and others may just believe the person has mental or physical problems, both are valid assumptions, I know because I was the same. So up to you whether believe me or not. To be honest, I really hope you don't because it means you may of had similar experiences, and ignoring the random or funny ones, the bad ones I wouldn't put on anyone.
Oct 10, 18 at 10:12am
Oh think I learned something interestin.. Tulpafu here I come!
ive seen a ghost ama
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