What girls like?
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
What girls like?
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Since we keep talking about men and men problems... fucking diccs amai right XD
Let’s be postive!
What do girls like? Obviously confidence but anything specific be sure to give the most memey response, shit post, or even give a serious answer.
Inygma @traplover69
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What girls like?
Inygma @traplover69
Ohhh shit giving whman the stage let's see some T H O T fights
Lishifu @hakutaku
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What girls like?
Lishifu @hakutaku
I'm not sure what girl like..I'm sure what girls hate..
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
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What girls like?
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Pretty sure girls h8 creepy people but to, or a sense of overt forwardness
Nobody @muffster
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What girls like?
Nobody @muffster
This account has been suspended.
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
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What girls like?
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Wait Muffin, what happens when the persons I question’s humor is terrible and they’re not intelligent... tfw that’s me XD
正義の味方 @gundamu
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What girls like?
正義の味方 @gundamu
Well for humor at least...I mean everyone has different tastes when it comes to humor. I've met girls who thought I was hilarious while others would get put off by my constant stream of sarcasm and dark humor. :v
Niwatori @niwatori
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What girls like?
Niwatori @niwatori
Can't be a boyfriend if you aren't her friend
can I get a booyah for the friendships to marriage genre
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
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What girls like?
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Can’t be her friend if your already marrying her
yaasshat @yaasshat
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What girls like?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Pretty sure they like the same basic fundamentals of love and respect. But, there are exceptions.
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