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I joined this site pretty recently, and thought I'd drop a thread here, so that the date of the arrival of the world's future dictator might more easily be recollected :D
Welcome, and I must say... you have the most interesting reason for joining this sight. May the world's future dictator find a worthy bride... or biographer...
It would be most ideal for the bride to be the biographer, so she might record the dictator's dreams as well as the resulting screams induced by his regime. ;)
Sep 06, 18 at 11:10pm
Is a goblin edible? How should I cook a goblin?
It's vital when preparing goblin meat that one marinates it with something sweet--goblins just have a tendency of producing rather stromg-tasting flesh. Then, I usually like to broil my goblin meat (it's a family recipe passed down from Grandma Goblin!) Now, I know what you must be thinking in regards to most beings having scruples barring cannibalism, but I have the political clout as the Goblin King to get away with such things with impunity, thank you very much. Plus, our country is currently in an economic depression, so raising or importing meat is too costly, and we have plenty of stray dead that could be put to good use. And @Enki... Your username is an important one. ". . .Then the lord defiant, the prince defiant, the king defiant, Enki, the lord of abundance, whose commands are trustworthy, The lord of wisdom, who scans the land, The leader of the gods, The lord of Eridu, endowed with wisdom, Changed the speech in their mouths, put contention into it, Into the speech of man that had been one."
Sep 07, 18 at 12:39am
Broiling the goblin meat? What a fantastic idea! I was going to broil a goblin too! Broil a whole goblin and share it with my celestial coworkers.I bet goblin meat taste better than dragon meat :D.Did you have some dragon meat? Goblin king and dragon king, who is more powerful? Goblins are ugly beings in the eyes of most mortals~ Can goblins swim? Cannibalism was a commonplace thing :D!But I hope you goblins won't be infected with mysterious diseases. What species are natural enemies of goblins? Deities? I'm no longer the lord of Eridu because of the basis of faith in Enki doesn't exist any more sadly. http://wx1.sinaimg.cn/large/87d788b2gy1fupgpn104ng208c04unlx.gif
Dragon meat is a delicacy in my country, to be sure, and as king I am fortunate enough to have dined on such rare and exquisite flesh! Although, while it is indeed good, I expect that a great portion of its value derived from the social status of even coming to possess that level of rare meat, stemming from the fact that harvesting it would be a perilous mission, indeed. In regards to a duel between the Dragon King and I...that would certainly be the battle of the ages. My Goblin sorcery is refined, and unquestionably some of the most advanced throughout my country. But I do not have the great hubris required to say that I would necessarily win that single combat, as the scholars from my land who study dragonkind thoroughly indicate to me that the draconic monarch is a being of undeniable strength. Though if you were to ask me this question in the context of an all out war of attrition between goblins and dragons, I'd ultimately side with my own people as the victors. You must understand, throughout goblin history we have strived to cultivate a common racial and national sense of identity, which has resulted in a godless, yet nonetheless spiritual brotherhood between all members of goblinkind. Despite economic and social inequality within our nation, each goblin holds personal the blood ties to all other goblins. I must say, from research done at my country's universities, this is not the culture that is present amongst the draconic beings. Due to their unyielding pride, their political structure is much like a country that is merely a conglomeration of smaller states that have the power to secede at any time--only the raw puissance of the draconic monarch can hold it all together. We goblins would not hesitate to exploit this cultural weakness. But this is all hypothetical, as the primary motivators for war have typically remained constant--territory and materials. Yet the interests of dragons and goblins never conflict in this regard. For example, the swamps and marshes that I call home, and that comprise the Goblin fatherland, are not at all desirable to dragons, who inhabit the soaring mountain ranges far from goblin civilization. Goblins are certainly capable of swimming. The swamps are rather brutal to the aquatically disinclined. And goblins are impervious to normal bacterial, viral, and parasitic afflictions (so mental illness is still on the table for us). The reason for this lies with our relationship to the human species. Primarily, goblins began as a manifestation of the more hedonistic side of humanity's often duplicitous nature. Yet while humanity often tries to repress these aspects, we embrace them, and more importantly, exploit our own innate characteristics for our own benefit. We often laugh at their disgusted faces when they look our way, because the dramatic irony is that they are turning up their noses at their own lack of integrity that bred my species into being. Humanity despises us for our supposed filth and lack of ethics, and chirps out those "reasons" as the causal links to the turmoil currently within my nation. Doubtless, those myopic hairless primates fail to realize that times have merely been tumultuous, and it was not but a few centuries ago that goblinkind possessed some impressive cities and urban cultural centers. And so we hold animosity towards those humans who are prejudiced against us because we have the integrity that they so blatantly lack. We oppose their faux sanitized ethics that are always invoked in a post-hoc manner to justify any conceivable action that would bring the humans profit, thereby proving their own phoniness. I'm sorry for dragging this out so long. The politics and history of my nation can get my blood boiling at times.
Sep 08, 18 at 7:04am
....goblins are too ugly to attract some users to welcome them...
Apparently so. I may end up crying. Some think that goblins experience a "crocodile tears" phenomenon only, but I can assure you that the tears are real.
Sep 08, 18 at 3:07pm
How about unicorn meat? Is it also a delicacy in ur kingdom? Dragon meat is not rare in my celestial empire...Most dragons are lowly servants of powerful deities..If their masters aren't satisfied with them, they can do anything to those dragons...( ¬_¬) BTW our dragons' breed is different from the breed of dragons' in your region What supernatural powers did the dragon king who battled with you have? Sorcery?! Send manuscripts! Hayaku! What other societal norms does goblin society have? Probably you goblins cannot swim in the sea/rivers created by me! Do goblins despise human beings?
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