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Hey there

Is that so? I was not aware of the variety of dragon species. I suppose this is not surprising, since in conjunction to my country's economic downturn over the last century or so, certain political crises have occurred that have destroyed much of our academic literature. I would consider it an intellectual Dark Age for us Goblins, so our ignorance of matters far away is not wholly shocking. And yet, it remains interesting how hierarchical you describe your society to be. While just about every society has one form of hierarchy or another, the hierarchical nature of dragons appears to be particularly salient. And in regards to unicorns and their meat, many believe, and practice, that unicorns ought to be consumed liberally, and this is partially because they believe the creatures represent the hypocritical value system of humanity (due to their idolization of all creatures that could be considered re'em). They also just say that they're hungry. There are a few dissenters, but largely these are the notions held by goblins. I'd rather eat a human any day of the week, but it is what it is, I suppose. And the dragon king and I have not ever fought. It was a hypothetical. But, from what my top dragon scholars tell me, the dragon king is a master of storm, wind, and fire. We are certain that such a king is capable of producing conflagrations that would remain relevant in history books centuries in the future. There are other rumors about his power, to be sure, including telepathy and memory manipulation, but those have yet to be corroborated. Goblin sorcery is primarily centered around ice, blood, and black magic, due to our interactions with some old and powerful vampire clans in the past. At that time, we had what was basically a business arrangement where we helped capture humans for sustenance in exchange for magical knowledge. Additionally, goblin sorcerers have since developed such techniques as telekinesis and casting illusions (putting others in a state of delirium or causing hallucinations, for example). I have mastered all of these schools, as I began studying as just a wee goblinite. And to your final question, I would not say we despise humanity as a whole, but we are deeply suspicious of any humans we do not know. We do our best to allow humans to show their integrity or hypocrisy on their own grounds. With that said, we certainly do not value human life as highly as they do. Our interactions with the vampire clans of the past speak to that.
Sep 09, 18 at 11:33pm
Sep 09, 18 at 11:41pm
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Ed~ @yamadaed commented on Hey there
Sep 09, 18 at 11:42pm
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