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The Lack of Common Courtesy

John, I'm kind of curious. What were you trying to gain or get out of making this thread?
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Interesting? Depends on what sense of the word, not all that's interesting is interesting because it's a good thing. Call it morbid curiosity, instead. ;P I understand the therapeutic part, hence I said a therapist might not be a bad thing. Hell, I've got shit I need to deal with, but I'm just a poor boy from a poor family.....aaaaaaand.....I forgot to sign up for insurance at my new job when it was time, so I must wait until November!!XD It just sounds like you've got some inner demons, so to speak. We all do, I suppose. Women and relationships ain't so bad, but sometimes it's a good thing to just relax your mind of them for a bit...but...I'm married, have a child and as such, I have no instant escape plan. Not that I'd want to...(I swear I'm not under duress at the moment. XD)
Damn John I realised you had autism but I didn't realise how bad you had it. As funny as your post in solidarity was to mine, you didn't register I was mocking you? Okay. So I'll put everything quite literally so even you will be able to understand. And I'm not gonna be nice because you deserve no respect. Take some real advice from a girl who sees what the issue is, if you try and rebut this with "but muh knowledge" shut the fuck up, you don't know shit. Your lack of romantic partnerships has JUST AS MUCH to do with your actions as it does with girls actions towards you. You said IN YOUR OWN POST exactly why this keeps happening to you, and for someone who speaks so 'matter-of-factly' you're too stupid to see, despite YOU YOURSELF detailing why. I quote: "Typically they have to have some sort of self-esteem crisis to give me a chance, and once I have restored it for them, they're off again to hunt for a better catch. It's a harsh world out there and I don't have infinite resources to waste on their games." HOLY SHIT. I take in this bird with broken wings, I feed and give it water, and then when it's healed it flies off????????????? You moron. Ask yourself why is it that ONLY THESE KINDS OF WOMEN give you any positive response? BECAUSE YOU LET THEM. You are literally a band-aid. Any girl can see it. There are laws of attraction in terms of dating. People like you who are a total doormat to women ATTRACT women that USE you! Stop being such a fucking push-over. These repulsive women who use you as a crutch before going off smell blood in the water. You aren't having bad luck with women, you're having bad luck with mentally-ill personality types. You will continue to draw in these women because you are so unattractive to any girl who wants more than furniture in her house, I'll tell you why: you have NOTHING to offer them but the superficial. Your personality is not appealing in the slightest, and this toxic-mindset you have is seriously impacting your presentation. I am so off-put by you. You have no humor to you, no grace and no interesting character. The way you speak does not make me want to get to know you. Genuinely, what is your redeeming quality? And no, your redeeming quality isn't your intellect. You're not nearly as smart as you think you are. Stop fluffing up your words to make you sound intelligent. It's painfully transparent it's an unwarranted level of self-importance. You sound like you have a degree in conjecture. Yes, women like intelligence, but they like it when it's GENUINE, it's attractive when it's applied practically, not used to make the most mundane boring shit sound like it was from a university study guide. You're unrelatable and tiresome to listen to when you do this. I don't fucking care what your IQ is, you don't understand basic levels of human interaction and you cannot grasp your own (painfully obvious) faults. Your occupations lead me to believe this is definitely bullshit. "everyone forgets the men who give the V.I.P. treatment to ungrateful, bottom-of-the-barrel women." Then stop going for bottom of the barrel women, you absolute headfuck, have some respect for yourself beyond tying a bow on your clown suit. You get the girls you deserve when you act this way. You honestly give me predator vibes when this is your modus operandi. Women don't want "V.I.P" treatment, they want to be treated like fucking people and they want to be FRIENDS with the people they date. You can't just give a girl flowers and pay for her food, pamper her and expect her to love you. Do you honestly not know love is a genuine condition people feel towards those they ADMIRE? No one will admire you if you wrap your shit in a ribbon. I can feel from your posts alone how devoid of any attractive qualities you are. And good, you're learning karate. Self improvement physically is one step, but you need to mentally improve. You won't be able to steal a girl by karate chopping her boyfriend in the back of the head. Seek behavioral therapy with someone who can teach you social skills (yes they're natural to some but they ARE a skill, you need to fucking learn them. I have friends who have debilitating autism and are in successful and healthy relationships, just putting that out there.) Stop watching 'woke' MRA/incel videos or going on /r9k/, it's fueling the tumor in your ass. You're correlating the wrong things with anything that would give them any credence. You belong with someone who has as little social understanding and skill as you, probably someone who suffers from your condition. It might help you finally relate to a woman. You're right; you're not a circus monkey to be trained, you're a retard with his head too far up his ass to see whats going on. Date people on your level, or keep getting used like the band-aid you make yourself. Seriously, get your head out of your ass.
So eloquent and sophisticated. It's poetry. https://i.imgflip.com/110qhb.jpg Honestly, that's true, even if said in an attacking manner. Gotta get a kick in the ass every once in a while.
https://i.imgur.com/495cbLV.jpg Shit man, somebody had to say it but damn
Well it had to happen. He couldn’t really even read the fact I told him getting a girl isn’t about materialism, oh well. I highly doubt he’ll change his mind though with all of us restating similar things... cause vulnerablity and depression.
Niwatori, I swear you get me
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Dude, take your feelings out of it and just read. Harshly said, but it's nothing no one else wasn't already saying. Unfortunately, you've gotta be ready to have shit said when you make your inner thoughts public.
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