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The Lack of Common Courtesy

Let us begin the sequence of events that lead me to become who I am... A virgin of rage... One, such as myself, which is to say, me, would spend my days tending to my plumage, preening my image to best suit the ladies. I studied their behaviors from all forms of Japanese literature. The conclusions I came up with were sound. I molded myself to be completely void of qualities beyond the superficial, just like the men they so desired in To Love-Ru. I honed my intellect by comparing the data sets concluded from Anime and Manga with works of significance like 'Tendies' by Anon. But for naught. Am I not owed another humans existence for the fruits of my labor, that I dedicated entirely to me? One, such as myself, is far more enlightened than any commoner celestial being, which I prove on a daily basis. I have studied the numbers and data finely, the members of the female species adapted in ways specifically to me, to spite my every move. My subjects variables are the same, vulnerable and damaged as that lets me conduct my proceedings quickly and as planned. Very strange the ones I choose (who are all the same mind you) continually exert the same behavioural patterns. What is it about the female programming that, every time I debug it, it tenfold spreads its virus? This phenomena alludes me, however I have dubbed such events as 'personality'. Eventually I will crack the code and gain access to a female, but only when her Firewall grants me access. Every other method has turned fruitless. I hypothesize that forever, men, such as myself, shall never know the true nature of females. One cannot possibly begin to comprehend the reasoning for my singular existence on this space rock known as Earth.
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Sep 06, 18 at 11:52pm
vro men do this shit all the time too fr
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Might actually want to talk to a therapist and I mean absolutely no disrespect with that. Me and my wife are a pretty equal TEAM. I think that's the word you've been missing, but I could and have been known to be wrong. There's no tit for tat.
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On the first part it’s not about reading people it’s about getting out info on whether they are s proper mate and if by some means you find out they are not do not engage. On the social aspect of getting towards successful people the only people I’ve seen be able to talk to them are people on the track to success or are there but are looking for something more. It’s about similarity in mindset rather than ideals from what I’ve observed and the patterns those people follow, this isn’t to say they are bad or good people but they just have a form of an ambition magnet Secondly on the Alpha I was not talking about cosmetics I was talking about ones inner person and who they are which is where the misunderstanding comes from. On a personal note if my dad can wear the dumbest ugliest shit I’ve seen and still net a girl like “wtf”. Self investment for ones self not for women or whoever. Seems pretty simple to me. There is more than just cosmetics, for example if we are going by cosmetics though you have attraction first seduction second if you are aware of it and let’s say your going for a materialistic person or type of girl now view the girl as a concept and do what you need to do to build yourself up in that way because you “want” to, then put yourself out there and someone will see and if you believe it’s what you want for the time being take it. This does not mean a girl is an object but it’s in reference to using the power of conceptual motivation to get into the mindset of what you want and if there is to many negatives get rid of it but still keep the mindset. Similarly if I wanna attract a certain someone (Imo humans are different in detail but not in concept so there’s a dime of dozen of me and you with better and worse versions at things and this is not the dipole gangster affect) I wanted, I began refining things I like to do or said xyz in concept to attract someone with similar tastes (Although I’m an exception cause someone liking completely different things doesn’t impede me cause I function with out that) I’d try and define myself more as a person and who I am, it’s akin to confindince almost. On the social aspect about chasing try some research into PUA and other things similar or some life inspirational ppl that have got out I’m not saying it as fact or to believe in it but use it as a frame of reference to “Become the one that’s chased and not chase the other person”, to get in mindset or how the mindset is established. There are errors in this line of thinking to but it’s what your going for, except you have to do work to get this to work, for women to want you you have to become desirable and I’m not talking about to them I’m talking about for yourself, where is your drive to help yourself beyond just having a different mindset, have you already taken into place what your gonna do from now on? I wasn’t saying that men aren’t women can afford and the fact you said crap was available which means you actively knew it was cra-p and went for it anyways. You have gone through things but did you learn anything outside of that not regarding how you think of women. Don’t bust your ass for anyone second someone slips up just get rid of the negative but be forgiving if they are worth it. Also yes there’s a ton of fluff into my things for a baiting reason I wanted to see what your brain picked up on and what it didn’t, it’s intresting. Also calling pills a solution? Lol it’s a meme explanation of society, an “explanation” and a way to categorize something rather than a solution. If you start researching the black pill on things and what it is you’ll find out it comprises of things you said it’s just easier to say “black pill” or “red pill” cause it’s a general summarization at this point. No one is selling anything XD
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