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The Lack of Common Courtesy

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I gotta agree that the predator comment was a bit much imo. Though, it sounded more like she was describing her feeling rather than outright calling you a predator in all honesty. Still, I can see how a comment like that can cut pretty deep. Like a group of kids teasing an autistic kid and calling him a weirdo or some shit. I know you're looking for a girl that's more traditional and conservative, and they're definitely out there. You'll just never find the good ones at the bars and clubs. If nothing else, reviewing the girls you've attempted to go for may help you out if you can find the common factor in their personalities. It's worth a try, better than just giving up. The sad truth is, the general population of women aren't going to care if you go nuclear and withhold marriage or sex. They simply don't know you well enough to care. It REALLY sounds like you're just mismatching yourself with the "party" type girls. They've always been trouble though, it's the same type of woman that bully the nerdier and quieter girls.
Giving up isn't winning. Want to know how to show up Feminists and piss them off beyond all belief? Find a nice girl and start a family. In ~20 years you'll have grandkids and the radical Feminists will still be hateful and alone. ;) Personally I feel that's the best way to stick it those types. By proving them wrong. I really don't think you're a bad guy, just jaded from a bunch of bad experiences. It happens, but you can still rise above it.
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This thread should be called lack of common sympathy holy crap niwatori popping off. Hit him with a 24 hit combo. Such savagery, such Fierceness pls keep this thread going https://taskandpurpose.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/giphy-9.gif
Muffin makes an excellent point about Confidence VS Dominance.
I didn't read everything neither did i understood everything i read in this post. But if you're disapointed in relationship/women i would advise you to read "Models" by Mark Manson. It is really easy to read and can help you understand why things didn't go as you wanted them to go i think. For the escort part. I don't think it is a bad thing. The bad thing is using it to hide your real desire. If you're disgust by your "classical" relationship you had in the past, i don't think it is a date with an escort that will satisfy your real desire. But maybe i make assumptions i shouldn't. Again i may have misunderstood certain part, so if my answer seems strange in meaning to you maybe it is just my english Ahah. However don't loose hope, and whatever you're chasing in your life continue chasing it. Don't let bad experiences blur your sight
There's nothing wrong, and I noticed. I'm not here praising her for what she said. Although she makes good points inbetween it all. Rather, I'm trying to stop all this male/female divisiveness that modern society has thrown us all into. The only way to do that, is unity. Because that's what creates the nuclear family.
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