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Gonna Stop Approaching Women!

1) you're right. I Gave you a reason not to like me. I also don't care if you like me. You're the one looking for friends, not me. 2) I don't need your respect either. I don't need your approval. I'm simply responding to your insufferable bitching. You keep responding so you clearly seek my attention. 3) if you're so stupid that you believe reflecting on yourself and your actions means getting brainwashed by trends then, like I said before, then DON'T. Stay incel and stay pathetic. I honestly don't care. The more you stay inside and bitch online the better you prove my point. Stay trolling. Cause, y know, that's what really matters.
i have a solution for this. become the girlfriend. then you wont need one lmao no but in all seriousness just live life and dont focus on the romance. youll be surprised if something happens and probably enjoy it more
"25 k divide to cities and you get even worse statistics (because you did not count that fact) and i am not fan of relationship from afar." ok but that's with the implication of an even distribution of the population. For example, I dont know how old you are, but if you are in high school/college then 1/40 is actually pretty decent and is able to make things manageable. My college is relatively small and still has roughly 5,000 females attending the school, meaning that 1/40 yields over 100 women in the same area. Warsaw, Poland (which again I'm assuming your profile is correct) consists of roughly 5% of the entire population of Poland. 5% of 25,000 is 1250 in your city alone. I'm not even factoring in neighboring cities as a part of the equation. Any other excuses?
Is the level of Cognitive thought just imploding here again. Like dafuq is this logic. Reality should be is if you can’t change or adapt then your dooomed to be alone every cycle of each generation has men that will be a bi product to be excluded. Doesn’t even take math, but seeing some of the flawed emotions affecting reality, this just as bad as an Artist saying they need criticism handed to them on a golden platter Lol
On the note of the EU your EU is fucked by the way in some people’s views and yes there are a bunch of basic bitches and Normie women who are pretty cyclical in nature along with the feminism and all that but You should also know animes a niche still so no dip you can’t find anyone outside the internet. My answer is just don’t even look among the normies for the one or just find someone and show them the things you like cause it’s not that hard as long as you have confidence??? But it looks like your in the Where ever you are which probs has A political left as a majority so I can understand a lot of what your saying but legit you just need to work on yourself. That’s all their is to it, leave your country even go do something. On Dr.Kich note what I’m seeing is you can’t tell some people like this to change, or just go outside. The core personality and the mindset is off, even if he was “good looking” no one is entirely wrong to point out a cultural shift, but it can’t fixed hard self imbeding. Think of it this way, is said person has done the same things and gotten the same results with out changing anything for years they think it’s testament A. They can’t get anyone because of themselves or B. They can’t get anyone because of others and slightly them selves. Thus, reinforcing the terrible personality. So saying “Keep having Incel personality” or “change yourself” is kinda to hard for most people cause they’d be to lazy or just physically can’t comprehend how to. Self brainwashing, is friggin hard to undo.
The same revolutionary technique I’ve told some of my female friends or my other male friends Literally stop trying to find people in the same places people keep on looking and doing the same shit every single day, work on yourself, post memes. And work on yourself Why am I laughing XD
Looking, See, I was being nice incomparison to others. I dont know all, I only know what I know thru experience and logical thinking. I'm married, so I may have an ounce of weight on the subject of women and relationships. I've been in the "woe is me" camp, so I do understand where you're coming from. The difference is, I came to the realization rather quickly that it's not the worlds fault for my shortcomings. Rather than continue to make this about you (My bad), I'll just say that this applies to EVERYONE no matter the country or cultural. If you don't want to change your perspective on things, don't complain.
The thing that makes me groan uncontrollably is when a dude acts like appearance doesn't matter in vain attempts to justify why he doesn't have any pics of himself, yet they only chase girls with cute pics and get their foot in the door by playing the "I'm just here for friends" card... so the girl (with cute pics) replies to some casual conversation, which immediately results in the guy (with no pics) thinking she's into him. Then when she inevitably shuts down his advances and distances herself from him, he proceeds to complain that all women are immature bitches that ignore them "for no reason" and they're shallow cuz they're more interested in talking to dudes with pics, meanwhile ignoring the fact that they (with no pics) constantly chase girls (with pics). Water seeks its own level. Aaaaaand this video always has a home in these types of discussions... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VXXXX9iVPI
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