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Gonna Stop Approaching Women!

Sep 01, 18 at 3:48am
Well there's nothing you can really say about metal, it rusts I guess.
Looking, Ok... Yeah, I've had friends with all those interests and more. Guess what? They've managed. My point is, you're view point is jaded. I get it, you've been hurt, rejected or you just can't get the kind of woman you think you deserve. However, you can't blame the majority for your problems, it may just be you. There's no need for statistics(Not to mention, good luck with finding said statistics.), as I'm sure you have nothing more than your thoughts and personal experiences to go off of, yourself. I think the problem is the same as it is for many here, your mindset. You've gotta chill on the blame game and realize it's not your interests, your looks, or your wealth(or lack there of) that's holding you back. Think about it, would you want a woman who only liked you for money or looks? Is that really the type that you want to base you "statistics" off of? Tell me, since you know how things in the US are, what's so different in how we approach each other? Again, I can only base my thoughts on what you say here, just as you're basing your thoughts of me off of what I've said here.
@lookingfortheonehere I have never seen so many stereotypical statements in one post in my entire life. The idea that every single female person in your entire country is only concerned with money and good looks is quite possibly the dumbest thing that I have ever heard in my life. You want statistics so bad, so here you go: I'm assuming that your profile is accurate and that you are from Poland. According to this website: https://www.indexmundi.com/poland/demographics_profile.html, there are approximately 2,003,033 females between the ages of 15 and 24. Let's say you are only interested in females between the ages of 18 and 22 (or something similar). It would be a fair estimate to cut that population in half. Now, we have a total of ~1,000,000 people in Poland who are female between the ages of 18 and 22. The amount of these that are single is around 50% according to https://www.eharmony.com/online-dating-statistics/ (these are US statistics because I couldn't find statistics for Poland, but I imagine it is roughly the same), bringing the total to ~500,000. Now, I'm going to be giving a completely ridiculous estimate for the number of those who will not even be slightly interested in people who have the same interests as you as 95% (so every 19 out of 20 people would not even consider you as a potential date because of your interests.) Now, we have a total of ~25,000 people who would be interested in you in Poland alone. If you were to consider people outside of Poland, this number would increase significantly. Here is 1/25th of the number of people who would be a potential match for you just in Poland: http://michaelsmithnews.typepad.com/.a/6a0177444b0c2e970d0192abea210b970d-pi You can say how "so and so isn't an accurate statistic for this and that", but no matter how you alter the statistics (within reason), the number of potential matches is still enormous. With all of this said, I would advise not defaulting to some anecdotal sob story of how your dating life is unsuccessful because women have impossibly high standards.
For someone named looking, your looking for sympathy in all the wrong places. How bout you try looking in the mirror first. You being "shy" doesn't mean you get a handicap. It means you better get over yourself otherwise you'll keep missing all opportunities. But that's my opinion. If that doesn't work then by all means keep blaming women and other men for your shyness. It's clearly worked out for you before.
That goes for women too. That "I'm shy" shit is for the birds. You mad that you only attract fuckbois? Well then what about you is attracting them? How bout instead of waiting for Prince Charming to come sweep you off your feet you actually go out and take the initiative. Wanna know something that men, or at least I, find attractive? Women with confidence. The best makeup a woman could put on.
Sep 01, 18 at 8:27am
I don't envy guys in this day and age who are remotely interested in finding a committed long term relationship. In an era of countless dating sites and apps where only the most attractive and/or well-off men tend to get any remote amount of attention from women, even being average in looks and income-earning makes a lot of guys almost invisible to many girls out there. Combine that with the whole #metoo thing that has blown up, it just went from hard to very hard for guys to feel comfortable approaching anyone without worrying about getting called a creeper/stalker. I wouldn't same I'm full-blown MGTOW or anything at this juncture, but if you wonder why more and more under 30 guys are starting to embrace it (and TRP) and check-out of the dating scene entirely, all you have to do is look at the state of western society nowadays. It's no wonder it's contributing to marriage levels and birth rates are falling through the floor. Other than for satisfying religious reasons, there is absolutely zero benefit for men to get married nowadays. Family and a committed relationship can all happen without a piece of paper awarded by the state. If you ladies want to know why more and more men won't man-up and pop the question, all you have to do is read the horror stories of younger guys watching their parents, siblings, relatives, and friends get put through the divorce ringer and lose nearly everything they built hoping for a traditional american-dream lifestyle only to have it all end losing it all through no-fault divorce because of infidelity, boredom, or any other number of reasons. The logical question more and more young guys will ask themselves is "why should I potentially put myself through that"? I'm frankly indifferent on a long-term relationship at this juncture. Probably just the fact I have zero interest in marriage or starting a family will make a lot of women not interested, and that's completely understandable. It gets easier for guys as they get older as their libido drops some and they aren't a raging mound of testosterone and willing to do almost anything to get a gf. If there's a girl out there who'd want a monogamous relationship with a guy who would go into it with the understanding kids and marriage are not on the docket, I'd be open to that, but if that turns off a good majority of the female population, it is what it is. A man can reach a point of contentment in his life where he realizes he's free to pursue his own interests and have the freedom and come and go as he pleases and doesn't have to bow to the western standard of getting married and having 2.5 kids. He can view relationships with indifference and can engage on them in his terms or just walk away if they don't meet them. I'm no worse off than I was yesterday without having a gf, and it shouldn't be the end all-be all to anyone's emotional and social well-being.
Yeah, your true self sucks. Change it. That's called basic cause and effect. If being yourself ends up with you being by yourself then maybe you're a piece of s***, your "true self" sucks and you need to change. You can blame everybody else if you want to. But not a damn person has to like you because you're yourself especially if that entails you being a piece of shit. Or your true self sucks or whatever excuse you gave yourself. I don't have to like you. So if you're going to be a dick to me because I don't like you then I'm going to continue not liking you. If you give me a reason to like you let's say you don't call me any racial epithet or troll me and you actually practice this thing called restraint and show me you can be respectful then maybe just maybe I won't hate you. Keep acting presidential and I respect you just as much. Why you dumb asses think you can treat anybody like shit and they're supposed to turn around and suck your dick is beyond me.
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