What is love to you?

SakuraGozen @sakuragozen
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What is love to you?
SakuraGozen @sakuragozen
To me, love is feeling safe around someone, enough so where even if they know everything (if not, nearly everything) about you, you're not scared of them for knowing so much. Love is being able to rely on each other whenever needed, but also knowing when some alone time would be best. It's having shared interests and differences in interests, with both working through any hardships rather than breaking off.
That's a small bit of what I think it is.

Nobody @muffster
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What is love to you?
Nobody @muffster
This account has been suspended.

Sir gone @sir_loligagger_faded_face
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What is love to you?
Sir gone @sir_loligagger_faded_face
Complete understanding and compatibility.
The ability to trade and learn from each other well also growing. Enhance each other's dreams and wants. Embracing the monster within you and be there even if you just killed everyone they knew.
But to its core, it's just a reaction in the brain due to chemicals and an ingrained want to procreate. Nothing special.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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What is love to you?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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