If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?

DivinuS @divinus
commented on
If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?
DivinuS @divinus
One Punch Man. I mean-.. come on.

Marcus @marcus_k
commented on
If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?
Marcus @marcus_k
Kogami Shinya
Because death itself wouldn't be scary with a classy bastard like him at your side...

Johannes @yestotally
commented on
If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?
Johannes @yestotally
shoto todoroki, he's awesome and i think we get along very well

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?
Lishifu @hakutaku
He has so many amazing gadgets!

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Theres a reason he's a popular choice.

kuroro lucilfer @kaioh97
commented on
If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?
kuroro lucilfer @kaioh97

ken oh raoh

XarCav @xar
commented on
If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?
XarCav @xar

Rena from Higurashi, we're gonna have fun ^_^

judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
commented on
If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?
judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
This account has been suspended.

o l i @olivercrusher
commented on
If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?
o l i @olivercrusher
mr.one punch man, of course.

T @arigatogyro
commented on
If a fight went down. Who's an anime character you'll want as backup?
T @arigatogyro
Pretty much anyone from DBZ/DBS or someone with one of the more broken, reality altering stands in Jojo's
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