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Anonymous confessions!

@1444 When, where, and how gentle? Bet you thought I was going to say hard didn't you? @1454 Actually it doesn't but I will be more than happy to show you what a gun does sound like if you would kindly put yourself on the end of the barrel <3 @1456 It is left with my parents since I do not have a safe way of keeping it mister Mexican man @1457 No that makes you a retard for thinking that you should shoot anything that you point a gun at. Even Napalm understands only retards shoot at anything they point at. @1459 I'm not hating on Asians but mango definitely is because she feels like everybody wants the Asians. Edit:SCORE ANOTHER WIN FOR ASIANS @1460 Damn that must hurt calling panda out like that @1461 Damn hitting panda hard again @1464 Lol ik who you are @1477 No I'm super smol and anyone who says I've got a big dick is lying @1478 Awww look, it's so cute how space cadet is so hard up on starting drama like a troll that he has to come here and post an anonymous confession that is clearly him because he doesn't want to continue more drama in a way that would easily label him yet still clearly does. Poor guy must feel lonely that everyone is ignoring his comments. @1479 Don't worry about that. Since I'm super smol he'll still get his taste of a Loli yet! It's a shame that he'll become a lolicon afterwards because according to him as we all know once you start that shit you become a real-life pedo eventually with no hope of redemption or anything else so you might as well do him a favor and shoot yourself in the head if that happens, oh noes~ @1480 The best part is that laughing is assuming that you're a guy when you say that.
Aug 12, 18 at 9:54am
Soaps! http://wx4.sinaimg.cn/large/87d788b2ly1fu7azqdkxwg206y04db2a.gif
Aug 12, 18 at 9:55am
*sells soaps! http://wx1.sinaimg.cn/large/87d788b2ly1fu7azlqr1gg20a005t4ql.gif
Aug 12, 18 at 10:27am
is that shepard from lost? he lives in my city bend
Aug 12, 18 at 10:29am
oh enki posted that i doubt you watch american tv
All must take the soap!!!! I live in America and I don't even watch American tv XD
Aug 12, 18 at 10:43am
Aug 12, 18 at 10:50am
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Honestly he's just making himself look bad rn. It's pretty obvious I tried to let the matter die and he keeps bringing it up so he's obviously chasing drama so it's no skin off my nose if he wants to make himself look bad and if mango supports it by liking his comments continuously then it makes her look like a hypocrite since she hates pointless drama.
Aug 12, 18 at 10:56am
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