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Anonymous confessions!

Jul 26, 18 at 11:46am
*creats BL memes
Tbh even I'm not sure how I got my tongue to look like that
Accessing tsun's brainwaves to simulate BL dream with laughing man
Jul 26, 18 at 1:48pm
#1093 "Send me more dick pictures Kid." - Tsunpaper
Jul 26, 18 at 1:48pm
#1094 Kid petted Laughingman's head as Tsunpaper rubbed his buttocks fiercely. A fire in Kid's eye appeared as he felt the sensation on his bottom, and he used his long tongue to lick Laughingman's neck. Laughingman enjoyed the feeling and he grabbed his crotch.
Jul 26, 18 at 1:49pm
This account has been suspended.
Jul 26, 18 at 1:49pm
@1094 ._.
Jul 26, 18 at 1:50pm
#1095 https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/a6f45c969fcb8d8a0a8adacaf7684eb2/5BE612CC/t51.2885-15/e35/36148661_197009801014021_4175512556007325696_n.jpg
Jul 26, 18 at 1:51pm
@1094 owo;
Jul 26, 18 at 1:51pm
#1096 L o a d i n g . . . C o m p u t e r r e b o o t i n i t i a t i n g i n... 3 2 1 !!!!BLAST OFF!!!! You haVE arRIVEd sUccEssfulLY OnTo the lOcAl AliEn, muffIN's PAGE. it is a GREAT hOnor tO BE rEad BY yOU, AnD I AM iN fOrEVEr in your FAVoR. Now HowEVeR! YOu MUsT rEaD EVEryTHIng tHat IS fuRThEr bElow! MaUahahahahhahhAHaHhahAhHAhAhaHAHHaHHaHaHaHHA! ~ It seems you have stumbled across my humble profile I see. Trust me when I say, that I am in no desire to twiddle my thumbs when it comes to saying certain things that are on my mind. Whether it be good or bad, evil or moral - nothing escapes me at the end of Time's hand. I also am on the long search for a profile picture that suits my personality. I am as young as I have put above, and yes, I can be childish in how I present my love for muffins which is in fact very much genuine ;3;. However, I promise you I can be serious on occasion, and can be very calm at times around the right people. It takes a lot for me to be comfortable with people, mostly because I need to trust you first before you find out all the nitty gritty about me. Jazz, Orchestra, Rock, you name it - I adore real music, with real emotion and passion. Just like novels; one must read, in order to comprehend certain things that the English language can explain. You can allow that sentence that I just wrote to be as profound as you want it to be. I also make offensive jokes from time to time, not because I'm a bad/mean spirited person or anything. I just believe comedy comes from misery, and in order to achieve it, nobody must be excluded to not be made fun of. I am not looking for a relationship as I am very content with what I have right now. Nor am I looking for someone to convert me in regards to political beliefs, or sexual orientation. You might be wondering why I even have to write this to begin with? Trust me when I say, sometimes you need to say things out loud for the smallest of brains to understand. I will not tell you my real name, and if I do, I expect you to keep that to yourself in regards to my own privacy and yours. Speaking of which, if I tell you things that are personal, I expect you don't share it around since I will do the same ... ... ... Aww crap... my voice. Give me a second.... *coughs to breathe into special alien voice* nOw i MusT DEfEat othEr of MY KiNd, YoU arE Now GoINg to tAKE cARE of thE all cUTe KITtEns. ANd If YOU sHaLL nOt Do So, i WiLl wHack YOuR HeaD with A MufFiN.
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