Yo! New guy here!

raijin92 @raijin92
Yo! New guy here!
raijin92 @raijin92
Randomly decided to google "otaku dating" now Im here. Lol. Id love to talk with literally anyone. Im pretty much here to meet girls but Im open to some bromance action as well. I reside in SoCal if that matters. Im 25, I have a full time job and yes my hair is dyed red. I love action and romance in anime/manga. Lets talk about our favorite fights and ships!

CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
commented on
Yo! New guy here!
CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
Welcome, hope you enjoy the site.

CAC @cac
commented on
Yo! New guy here!
CAC @cac
Welcome to the site!
RE:Zero has action and romance, you seen that one yet? Can't wait for a second season.

Bitch please @tabris
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Yo! New guy here!
Bitch please @tabris
This account has been suspended.

poop @ekreon
commented on
Yo! New guy here!
poop @ekreon
Cool hair dude, welcome to the site.

zcoria @zcoria
commented on
Yo! New guy here!
zcoria @zcoria
Yeah welcome! And yes @ekreon, that's some awesome hair

princesss @princesss
commented on
Yo! New guy here!
princesss @princesss
Welcomee!! ^-^

satoshix @satoshix
commented on
Yo! New guy here!
satoshix @satoshix
Hello and welcome to MO!

Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
commented on
Yo! New guy here!
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
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