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Am I doing something wrong?

I've tried Tinder, have an OKcupid, and a Plenty of Fish in addition to this MaiOtaku acc and it's like I'm completely unable to get a match. I know I'm not some 10/10 shining example of a dude but I certainly don't think I'm ugly or a terrible person by any stretch but I just don't get why I'm unable to find love. I've had 2 gfs before, but the first was one of those middle school gf things that last 3 weeks and doesn't count, and the second was a girl I dated for a couple months in HS before we mutually broke up on good terms. Is it because I just don't care about sex? Am I just really unphotogenic? Is it the fact that I'm a libertarian? You would think out of all the people on these sites I'd get some sort of response even if it isn't someone I'd be personally interested in but it's like I'm invisible to everyone. So yeah, idk. Help a dude out?
Try approaching in real life instead. Men tend to outnumber women on dating sites by a large margin. So women can afford to be very picky with height filters for 6 ft+, career, degree, etc. The John Lennon style looks might only appeal to a small subset - but you do you.
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Dude, I don't care on sex either. Least not until after marriage (it's complicated). So no, it's not that. It's kind of what John Felix said (maybe Professor Sarcasm?). Tweak your profile a bit. I mean, on OKCupid I have for the You Should Message Me If "You're first message isn't just one word like Hello or Hi. A paragraph I'll respond to. Just put some effort into it." That, or maybe you should take the initiative. Find someone and send a message and wait a while. If they don't respond in a week (since not many respond lightning fast), move on and try again. Personally, I've given up on Plenty of Fish, nothing but bots sending links to sex sites. Honestly had enough of it. Granted, it is fun to troll the bots :^)
Love Rivals!
Sending a stranger messages like "Hi"/"How are you"/"You look so cute"/Send nudes doesn't work~~~
Jun 23, 18 at 8:11pm
or being depressed doesnt work. story of my life
Being super clingy or bitter doesn't work too. My observations.
Jun 23, 18 at 8:15pm
im kinda bitter
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