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How does one be themselves

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Jun 09, 18 at 11:47am
when you stop caring about what others think just dont get caught by the cops (bad joke sorry)
Jun 09, 18 at 11:49am
^its okeh, i forgive u
Jun 09, 18 at 12:07pm
thank you
Jun 09, 18 at 12:51pm
I agree that it's practically impossible to stop caring what other people think most of the time unless I'm really, really sure that what I'm saying needs to be said. I think complexely almost every moment of every day. I sometimes get exhausted when I'm left alone to my thoughts for too long. I'm a social introvert, though, in a weird way. I don't like being alone and having someone to talk to and be around is healthy for me. That said, I also get exhausted from social interaction, and I don't think I'm able to control it. I can be as confident as ever, talking about something that I'm passionate about to someone who actually understands, like a fellow otaku... but unless I have had a lot of time to adjust around a person, I still end up shaking nervously during the exchange, against my own will. Really, in the end, the key to being YOU is being honest and in control, both toward others and toward yourself. That doesn't mean you can't choose to hold back information about you to someone who you deem doesn't need to know, but it DOES mean you can choose who knows what about you and when. I think the word that best describes how to best be you is to simply be GENUINE in everything you do.
Oh, to add to this, I'd say I personally do not find myself any different online than offline. There are certain behavioral differences based on the type of interaction each requires, but I still feel "genuine" on both. I remember when I'd use "..." ellipses on older forum posts (on other sites, like, over 10 years ago) to represent trailing off in my sentences or general silence or shyness. It looks so deliberate when it's actually typed out, but it never was. You'd think that it were an actively learned trait, but like most things I utilize for online speech, it's just automatic for me. I'm a really, really fast at typing. I literally can spill an entire sentence as it's said in my mind, with correct punctuation, spelling (typoes and brain-farts aside), and usually grammar. Personally, I think I got the "..." from manga, where it was often used NOT as a means of true silence, but to represent either real verbal nuances, or to show that someone has a lot to say and it's not quite reaching the tip of their tongue (because of shyness, "I don't know what to say", etc.). That said, one thing I do online that I simply cannot do in real life is back-petal before I post something. I am constantly erasing one sentence to re-articulate it into a better one, so that my intentions can be understood in their purest form. In real life, I do say things like "or rather..." and "Hmm... actually..." a lot, but what is said is said. I hate misunderstandings with a passion...
Long ago, starting to chat and post on the internet I realized that I wasn't really acting as myself. I disliked being that "pefect", trying to give the best response with the best attitude, and since then, I started consciously writing what I really felt and thought. So I think I'm not being a fake online, I just have more time to express myself correctly.
Jun 10, 18 at 6:52am
My ex-favourite ex-chessmaster Josh waitzkin(when i initially started the course of chess i literally watched all his videos, coz his psychological lessons are amazing) was expected to be the next bobby fischer by the whole US (there is a movie on his child hood, "searching for bobby fischer"). Chess defined him, it was his life... or that is what he thought! one day in his adult-hood, he abruptly left chess coz while in between a match thinking on his moves he realized that he didnt really give a fuck about winning that game, rather he was more interested into what others would think of his game! The moment he had this realization he left chess no matter how much it defined him, coz it really didnt define him.. it just defined other's image of him! All i would have to say is, to be yourself you have to completely abolish any thoughts regarding what others think of you.. and act out freely with ur own human mind.
It's called people skills. If you want to improve on that, try doing voice chat for a start then perhaps video chat. Video chat and talking in person kind of feel the same thing. If you can do that, you'll be fine.
Jun 17, 18 at 3:42am
Start by truly loving and accepting yourself. Then you start acting true to your character because you dont have any insecurity about yourself lol. You do that by working on yourself (character, features, flaws,intelligence). We're all human and therefore we're imperfect. Imperfect attracts imperfect x) No need to pretend to be someone you're not.
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