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How does one be themselves

I notice through online and text is easier to think and breathe then to someone face to face, or over voicechat then it is when personally I message or talk to someone, and I fumble to hard on words or get loud and obnoxious or don’t say anything at all. Anyone else feel it’s easier to convey things through messages/text or even through actions rather than speaking??? How does one fix this
Wdymmmmmm I can be social when I want to
Enki! Obvious statement is obvious! Anyway maid, Ive found the same thing for almost all of my life. The only person I was able to was my exwife, and maybe when I was a boy. After reflecting for awhile, I realized two things. One) it takes me a moment to organize all my thoughts into tangible words. And two) I knew I could be myself with her. The second I think comes from worrying that others are gonna be put off by my weird self, but those assholes arent worth any form of friendships anyway. Tbh, only recently have I been open about my love of anime. I'd jist say oh I was watching netflix or a movie. Now its like, yeah I was watching One Piece, Gintama and Seven Deadly Sins last night. Its just about being able to relax and be confortable with who you are, I feel like. Be honest with yourself and reflect on who you want to be and how you want to act, and you'll be able to trust your more immediate thoughts. However, as I also do more often now, many many people don't mind you taking a few seconds to collect your thoughts. If I need longer, I just tell them. And what can be fun sometimes, is staying quiet, just looking at em for say 10 or 12s, and watch them get uncomfortable and keep talking. You'll learn some intresting shit about them sometimes
Being introverted doesnt mean you don't like being social. I think of it more as being nervous before going or not quite wanting to go, even if you'll enjoy yourself when you get there. I view extroverts as being more excited about going out. And maybe the easiest solution: want to be social more often :p
Tbh I’m not as super introverted as you think it’s more like my extroversion is locked up and I want to be social but it’s rare occasions that I get to be, so I’m alone a lot cause nothing seems fun. I h8 being away from people tbh but I also h8 being with people to much soooo idk I’m just bad at socializing in person XD not as bad as I use to be though
Jun 08, 18 at 8:54pm
I think because through text you have time to think more rather than face to face where you’re kinda pressured into replying right away.
Jun 08, 18 at 8:55pm
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Jun 08, 18 at 9:01pm
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Generalization: https://patricia-weber.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/ctintroverts-communication-preferences.png
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