Would you like or dislike a pervy partner?

BurningHalo @burninghalo
Would you like or dislike a pervy partner?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Have you dated people who were really lewd? And if so how did you like it?

Baka @reinhardt76
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Would you like or dislike a pervy partner?
Baka @reinhardt76
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kakeguruixoxo @kakeguruixoxo
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Would you like or dislike a pervy partner?
kakeguruixoxo @kakeguruixoxo
I personally am in the middle. I dislike with my whole heart if someone is straight off the bat pervy but if we are in a relationship for a while and such then maybe. But I personally would not and unfortunately yes i have. I am a teenage girl in high school, literally all guys and some more then the rest are just big perverts. And I didn't like it at all, made me feel like a tool to be honest.

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Would you like or dislike a pervy partner?
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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BurningHalo @burninghalo
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Would you like or dislike a pervy partner?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Brevity is the soul of wit

Fuminori @fuminori
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Would you like or dislike a pervy partner?
Fuminori @fuminori
well, i know deep down i'm a sick fuck but i'd never do something that would make my girlfriend feel uncomfortable
i'm yet to find a girl who is REALLY LEWD in my dictionary LOL

CAC @cac
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Would you like or dislike a pervy partner?
CAC @cac
I like pery talk but not unless the other person brings it up first so I know if it's ok or not.

The pingu meme guy @ilikegundams
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Would you like or dislike a pervy partner?
The pingu meme guy @ilikegundams
i LOVE pervy partners probably because when were alone im super pervy myself theyre just so much fun

Hello @fishyusernametakenagain
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Would you like or dislike a pervy partner?
Hello @fishyusernametakenagain
I guess I’d like a pervy one. I’m pervy myself so I would feel quite at home.

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Would you like or dislike a pervy partner?
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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