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. @vezax commented on Suicide
Apr 13, 18 at 4:41am
115 @siruboo commented on Suicide
Apr 13, 18 at 4:44am
I'm sure some people would like me to kill myself. I like pissing people off so I like living.
Nat @the_noctor commented on Suicide
Apr 13, 18 at 9:12am
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Apr 13, 18 at 12:07pm
I got some kinda bad news when I was 15 and it just made me question if life was really worth living if you didnt have the same advantages as other people. Now that I think about it, it was selfish of me to think that way when people vary in privileges throughout all aspects of life. It was especially hard because everyone around me was also affected and focused on dealing with their own emotions. I think one day I just looked up at a really clear sky and felt better (omg so cheesy) I think my problems just felt insignificant since that moment but obviously I can get really down sometimes. It was terrifying to be in a situation where there was no plan B and no solution. I sympathise with people who do think about it because they truly think that theres no plan B.
ohnoes @ohnoes commented on Suicide
Apr 13, 18 at 12:40pm
This community does nothing to help when there's a real issue. Yeah, now's the time to post gifs and just talk about yourself. I understand the first part was OP asking about other's experiences, but now that op is trying to make it known that he may be seriously contemplating himself, a few of y'all decide it's joke hour... Anyways... Neet, I may not agree with a lot of your views on things, but by no means does that mean I have absolutely no heart and wish only the worst for you. I feel like you're trying to find help here and if you just need an ear, let me know. I may not understand your situation, but I do understand depression. Here's the thing (Not trying to encourage you to do it), if you were serious, I doubt you'd post here and continue to respond to people. You're hurting (Again, I don't know your situation, but I can guess feelings.) and I'd say in a way, you're looking for something or someone to ease whatever it is that's ailing you. Again, if you'd like, you can private message me or if need be, give me a call/text or what ever you're comfortable with (Obviouslyin not giving my number publicly.). I'm no doctor, but I know a little support goes a long way.
considered it, tried it, and currently plan it if things get rough i have an exit bag built (minus pure helium because apparently you can't buy that wholesale in the USA) and i have cyanide pills from my dealer that i can use but right now life is gucci gucci. i honestly think that having the option there gives me some piece of mind knowing i'm in control and i can choose to keep going and keep fighting
Nat @the_noctor commented on Suicide
Apr 15, 18 at 12:55am
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Apr 26, 18 at 11:49pm
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Lishifu @hakutaku commented on Suicide
Apr 27, 18 at 12:05am
I witness death, so I cherish my life.
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