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What Men Secretly Want

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John, Seeing as you don't want a casual relationship I imagine you still want a romantic one. You don't need to be married to have a loyal strong relationship. All marriage REALLY is, is a state contract. That helps save money together. That said, I am interested in it myself purely for the sentimental value more than anything else.
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Well John the only thing you can do is be honest with what you want, and be upfront about it with who you're dating. Best way to handle it. Not every woman wants to get married, Infact MANY don't. Just got to keep looking for those that share the same desires that you do. Don't be saddened by losing people because you stuck to what you want. It just means that they weren't meant for you. If you being with someone means not being yourself, or settling for less, than it's not going end well either way. For you or them. Just got to wait till you hit that right one.
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Women I meet are married or has plans of marriage in the future. What they do now compared to a couple generations ago is move in with the man before marriage and give him benefits that used to be on hold till marriage. I can't date a man who doesn't want marriage or presses sex on me before marriage cuz that isn't what I want. I get giving him hugs and kisses is something that should be involved in the relationship, but pressing full on sex before marriage isn't desired for me even though I get told it's common now. Great. I'm not saying it's wrong or right. I even meet men who uses excuses on why sex should happen before marriage. Men of mo, is this really a supported and common thing when dating a girl? You must have it instead of waiting, dating, and marrying the girl? If so than I should probably mentally prepare myself to be a loner. It's one thing I won't change.
Apr 02, 18 at 8:56pm
@kameiya its the common way these days yes. But not the only way. Ive had a few friends wait till marraige, and a few that didnt. A female friend of mine in particular. Said she would rather "test drive" her man before commiting to being married... which i find funny considering often times she can be rather... prudish? But some women are the ones that push for it sometimes too. I say its case by case In any case, its not a requirement, and if a guy doesnt want to wait thats his problem, and if it causes issue in the relationship because of it, his loss i say. He isnt worth the effort.
Apr 02, 18 at 9:16pm
Have you been ghosted? Have you ghosted someone?
Apr 02, 18 at 9:29pm
Who? Me?
Apr 02, 18 at 10:33pm
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