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Magic The Gathering?

Nov 20, 21 at 8:14pm
@verucassault This is you.
Nov 21, 21 at 10:26am
I don't care if I lost. I played the best mfing game ever last night. 4 player free for all and I played my Gilded Goose deck after adding a couple armors, enchantments. One goose suited up in Argentum Armor at one time, the other with Blanchwood Armor and Hydra's Growth. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/n4YAAOSwijBdtoCV/s-l1600.jpg https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/large/front/1/b/1b01d243-9f68-47c7-980b-1418e5f2f3e9.jpg?1562300742 https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41Tr01jPRwL._AC_.jpg https://cdn1.mtggoldfish.com/images/h/Argentum-Armor-C17-672.jpg I got a goose up to 160/162 power and toughness and because everyone was playing defensively and not making any moves, I pulled The Great Aurora out. Everyone had at least 8 cards on the field. It was an epic troll move. https://www.mtgassist.com/card_scans/ORI/The-Great-Aurora.png
that's some sigma male goose! no one removed it? maybe someday they'll make legendary goose commander. As for me I'm tweaking a Naya Najeela deck, she's pretty fun. but I think I need more pumps
Nov 22, 21 at 9:30am
@foo_fighter I had very lucky draws that game. I decided to use the Aurora because I've never been in a game where it was reset before. I don't think any of us had. It was a fun experience. I could have whittled them all down with my 2 geese but I decided it would be more fun to stir some chaos.
Nov 22, 21 at 9:37am
Plus everyone was hoping someone would draw a board wipe so I knew it was eventually going to happen.
Back in my day there weren’t that many cards that instantly destroyed one or many cards at once. Not many powerful instant cards. Funny I say “back in my day” when I’m younger than many of you lol. But I do miss the simple days of Magic
Scarab God is annoying to play against. Also my Najeela needs mass pump
Nov 24, 21 at 9:21am
^He's currently my zombie commander. I used Gisa and Geralf for a while but SG has better ability.
He's really hard to kill, wasn't even facing a commander, just from the 99. I might try him some other time too.
https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/large/front/1/6/168d7532-c925-4a96-a756-2ce4dd0fec33.jpg?1591234194 She looks cute but I think her effect's kinda weak
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