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Explain an anime Plot Badly

http://thegeekiary.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/shokugeki-no-soma.jpg Boy whose food that makes people strip goes to cooking school after his father abandons him.
Feb 25, 18 at 2:57pm
https://d1m6vmmwsgiy3l.cloudfront.net/wallpapers/guilty-crown_862_1680.png an anime with a million random unrelated ideas in 22 episodes
https://occ-0-2433-444.1.nflxso.net/art/65c04/e1055fc3a12751cfc2f48162df3be0c014365c04.jpg boy is shunned by village for being more powerful than anyone else, so he sets out to become the leader of said village in order to gain respect and does everything but become the leader for several hundred episodes
https://res.cloudinary.com/sfp/image/upload/oth/FunimationStoreFront/1682544/Latvian/1682544_Latvian_ShowMasterKeyArt_0407047e-c994-e711-8175-020165574d09.jpg Boy who can't cast magic, uses magic to defeat his foes to be the very best magic caster while screaming in your ear.
Feb 25, 18 at 3:15pm
http://s5.tinypic.com/9svx5f.jpg A lolicon in love with his niece is also a super hacker who protects the country from the devious King of America.
Date goes wrong. Boy loses eye and gets cannibalism issues.
Feb 25, 18 at 3:58pm
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Popular high school boy tries to take over the world by using an otherworldly power that enables him to make people do his bidding. Is challeneged by an athletic orphan, an old man, and an idiot who ends up sympathizing with the high schooler. The high schooler has a wannabe gf that kills for him, a younger sister that ends up held hostage by a lunatic. Said lunatic gets the best of our protagonist initially but ends up being killed by a woman on our protagonists side. In the end, after a grand battle of the mind our protagonist high schooler reveals his identity and is soon after killed by the very symbol of his power. http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/dbdf31ca078912e6cbdb048ba869296b1500579061_full.jpg https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODkzMjhjYTQtYmQyOS00NmZlLTg3Y2UtYjkzN2JkNmRjY2FhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM4MDQ5MDc@._V1_UY268_CR1,0,182,268_AL_.jpg
http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/008/610/deathnote-1280-1490294885083_1280w.jpg Promising high school boy has mental break down as people coincidentally have heart troubles in the same order he writes their names in a black journal. He goes on an adventure with his anti-social besty who has a posture problem and a sweet tooth to learn that you can't just predict peoples deaths without consequences.
Feb 25, 18 at 4:26pm
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