I'm back...again. For real this time (maybe)

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
I'm back...again. For real this time (maybe)
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
I'm curious who won the last to comment wins game or if it's still going on. Does anyone use Rabbit to watch anime together on here? If you play pokemon US/UM I'd love to battle. I also enjoy MtG. Mostly I'm bored and wouldn't mind a chat here and there.

MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
commented on
I'm back...again. For real this time (maybe)
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
Last comment game is still going.

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
commented on
I'm back...again. For real this time (maybe)
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
Thank you. That is impressive.

Kringles @kurosora97
commented on
I'm back...again. For real this time (maybe)
Kringles @kurosora97
nah it's retarted

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
commented on
I'm back...again. For real this time (maybe)
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
It's been going for 3-5 years now.

MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
commented on
I'm back...again. For real this time (maybe)
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
And it will keep going until I win!
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