How to deal with Depression

Astroboy @chris_andres_dasilva
How to deal with Depression
Astroboy @chris_andres_dasilva
i never understood depression prior to going through it. what do you do to cope with it.It getting to the point i can't eat or watch anythings i feel like a robot. The same cycle work school sleep. i feel like shit i cant even watch anime. If anyone can relate how do cope with it?

yaasshat @yaasshat
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How to deal with Depression
yaasshat @yaasshat
If it's a serious problem that affects your daily routine, seek professional help. Otherwise? Stay social, go out, have fun, get hobbies, relax, read, exercise and never sit in silence while being only left with your thoughts. Been there, still there and it can become a life long struggle. It certainly is a lonely road, but it doesn't have to be(Much easier said than done.).

xueli @xueli
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How to deal with Depression
xueli @xueli
It's a good indicator if you're experiencing depression symptoms (physical and mental) for 2 or more weeks, that you should talk to a doctor. I generally think that since depression is such an individualized thing (no one is the same symptoms/frequency), I think if you think you're depressed, you should go talk to a doctor regardless. You might not have depression, some medications, and some medical conditions can cause depression symptoms, but you'll need a doctor to be able to rule that out for you

hopelessyandere @hopelessyandere
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How to deal with Depression
hopelessyandere @hopelessyandere
Medication isn't worth probable brain damage, the memory impairment, the entailed hormonal imbalance, the inhumane numb/inconsequential inclinations, or being delusional/ignorant happy under conditions where you should be sad.
You're living in a globalized, centralized world, with rules and doctrines to abide by. Everyone you know is conditioned by the same monolithic exchange of information, they pick sides and choices, a finite amount of choices, resulting in the same patterns repeating over and over again, much like a processor, much like a robot.
Pick your primary function and accept the world we live in. :)

GunvoltX @gunvoltx
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How to deal with Depression
GunvoltX @gunvoltx
If your depression is serious, the first thing you should do is probably seek professional help. Try seeking therapy or some counseling, people who have helped those like you before. There's also some hotlines for depression/suicide you can call that could help you. Try finding some for your area.
Another thing you must do is NOT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Talk to someone you trust about your depression. Let your friends and family know how you're feeling so they can help you through it. Don't worry about sounding like a downer, if you're clinically depressed you really should talk about it. Keeping it yourself will only make you feel worse and more isolated. You'll feel a little better if you know that there are people that care about you and that you don't have to go through it alone.

Astroboy @chris_andres_dasilva
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How to deal with Depression
Astroboy @chris_andres_dasilva
Thank You bro i really Appreciate your kind words

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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How to deal with Depression
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Gudmoore @gudmoore
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How to deal with Depression
Gudmoore @gudmoore
Chris; before going towards medication, I'd recommend some lifestyle changes to try and implement.
First off, you never want to give up or give in to depression.
Try working on getting on a proper day/night sleep cycle going. A good nights sleep goes a long way mentally.
Get outside more, more sunlight and fresh air also tends to help with depression.
Work on your diet, less junk food more foods that give you energy and don't weigh your stomach down (i.e. avoiding comfort foods).
If all that doesn't work, at that point I'd think it'd be alright to go in for some therapy and maybe medications.
I just don't like seeing people get drawn into and have to take pills the rest of their lives; so I always put it as the last option after natural methods fail. These little changes had helped me get out of my depression, I hope it helps.

PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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How to deal with Depression
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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Left @merena
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How to deal with Depression
Left @merena
It depends what kind of depression, since we all got different, personal. But I myself got up by talking out things I bottled up, having good company, forcing myself to do daily things as walking out of door to example, go in public, and started to compliment myself now and then. Complimenting and dealing/facing your cause usually is how you get it processed to better.
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